Monday, December 16, 2024

Mewsic Monday

Hey pals!

It's time for a Crispy Mouse edishun of Music Monday. 

Xmas in Jail by Asleep at the Wheel (had to do one inspired by momma's job).

Mele Kalikimaka by Jimmy Buffett.

My Only Wish (This Year) by Britney Spears.

Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives.

Let It Be Christmas by Alan Jackson.

What are you hopin to get for Crispy Mouse?

I want lotsa toys and treats!


  1. Except for Brittany, I enjoyed the rest. Love the pussy cats. Our tree is up and our Lexi has been OK but she was ready to paw the tinsel. That's a big No! Lol. Mainly, she just sits under the tree...hahaaa

  2. I've had Burl Ives Holly Jolly Christmas as an earworm these past few days so I was happy to listen, hoping it would remove the earworm. I also liked Jimmy Buffet's take on Mele Kalikimaka.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.