Friday, November 29, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the main flashback is from September 2010 and is from Eric.


Eric: Where the horses walk along one of the steep slopes in the field, they have worn it away into ledges. I like to go there to roll because there is a lot of nice earth to roll on.

Oops, I seem to be going downhill.

Never mind, just keep on rolling.

Huh! I'm sure I wasn't this far down.

How did that happen? I'm nearly down the bottom.

Flynn: You are silly Eric. 

And a Tummy Tuesday from Flynn, also from September 2010.

Hehe! Eric didn't realise it was Tuesday so you have got my tummy today. He's going to be mad when he sees I have beaten him to it.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I started with Mosaic at 40, then added Ceremony also at 40%.

For Flynn I used Smoke at 40%, then added Lily at 30%.
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 30.11.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 30.11.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. It's easy to roll further than you think, it just feels so good. That was also a nice tummy picture.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  2. Ooooh...we LURV seeing your tummies!
    Lovely art, and terrific puzzles...thank you.

  3. Such a wonderful, wonderful tummy and some rolling fun! Lovely art!!!

  4. Dearest Jackie and Ivor,
    What great memories of your two boys!
    Yeah, rolling is a fun thing to do—at least for the younger kitties.
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. Rollin' rollin' rollin' much fun to roll down, sweet Angels😸😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to all of you, oh, and tell your mommy that we received your card and thank you so much for it🐾😽💞

  6. There NEVER, EVER was a photo of those boys that was not fabulous. They were so incredibly photographable and loved their lives and their humans. We are hoping your Monday is full of good news.

    Big Hugs, Mom and Teddy too

  7. Roly-poly's and tum-tums ~ doesn't get any better than that!

  8. It seems that the boys did not know the story of Jack and Jill went up the hill and then they tumbled down. Kind of goes along with what goes up must come down. At least he was having fun while he was coming down.

  9. rollin in soilz iz like de best…bee in abe bull ta roll in soilz all de way down a hill iz like even mor pawsum dood….ewe iz my heer roe, like flynn iz ta de big katoona ‼️‼️😺 keep yur pawz crozzed for mum on monday 🧡🤎💛💛🤎🧡 mackerull

  10. Ha! You boys were both silly and fun and adorable. At least you weren't rolling in horse manure. 😆

  11. Ooooooooo! How pawsome to be out and rolling on hills! There are not many hills where I am, but there is lots of grass!
    Purrs Winnie

  12. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh those purely pristine white lush
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Oh, what fun memories! Nice catwork. I hope all is well. Until next time...Jean

  14. Those roly polies sure show off your smoochable tummies!

  15. Very cute flashback. Thank you for the puzzles and for the Christmas card that arrived today. XO

  16. Such a cute flashback. Scylla and Yin like to roll in the dirt. Silly things Yin finds white dirt to roll in and Scylla finds black dirt to roll in.

  17. Eric's fur looks so white and clean even with all that rolling around he did.

  18. All that rolling looks like fun -- and we always love seeing Angels Eric and Flynn's tummies. XO

  19. Oh good gosh- those boys sure loved to roll around in the dirt!

  20. You just have to laugh, else you'd cry. I've done almost the same thing, Eric, but on the edge of a really comfy duvet and fleece throw. Both of you are real fun to see rollin' rollin' rollin'.

  21. My cats never have or had the outdoor freedom you two had, so they never rolled around in the dirt. It's not a safe environment here. Eric and Flynn were bound to each other to enjoy life together. They were beautiful boys.

  22. My cats used to roam outside, they'd always come in to sleep in the sun room. Hope you have a great day!


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