Friendly Fill-Ins Week 441

Hi everyone. Sorry for all the trouble commenting the past couple days. Thank you to all who reached out to check on me. It is nice to know people care.

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. ________________ is not complete until _________________.
2. I _______________to __________________.
3. _________ is my dream _________.
4. I wish I could remove _________ from my daily routine.
My answers:
1. My Halloween is not complete until I hear Michael Jackson’s Thriller.
2. I planned to make candy apples for Halloween. but I didn’t have a chance.
3. A Big Chill is my dream refrigerator. I love the vintage look, but not the price.
4. I wish I could remove nothing from my daily routine. I was going to put scooping litter or hunting Brody down for his pill. but I love the cats and all they entail.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.  
Our flashback is from November 2018, Angel Prancie was keeping warm with a hat.

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  1. Interesting fill in answers!
    1. Thanksgiving is not complete (until) we attend our Church service.
    2. I hope to have everyone here for Thanksgiving.
    3. A one level newer home is my dream for the future to help with hubby’s growing difficulty in managing the stairs.
    4. I wish I could remove outside chores from my daily routine, though they do help keep me fit!

    1. Thank you for these great answers, but I am sorry your hubby is having trouble with the stairs. I hope you can get that one level. XO

  2. That’s a sweet pic of Angel Prancie. Michael Jackson’s Thriller is my favorite video any time of the year. I am glad your blog is fixed! 😺

  3. We are having a bit of a frosty morning today so I can use a hack just like your angel. Hope Brody is taking his medicine better because we are worried about him. Precious is better today thank goodness but it’s been 10 days.

    1. Poor Precious, that was a long time. Brody is still difficult, but I always win- eventually. XO

  4. I always seem to have an issue with commenting, never sure if it’s “me” or not … but love to visit anyway … for all the great information and sweet photos. BTW: thanks for the TIPS about free stuff for Veterans come Monday which I passed on to quite a few vet friends. NOT doing fill-ins as they’d all be about politics and I’m quite sure any who’ve visited Zoolatry are totally 100% tired of hearing me rant about that!!! Happy Weekend 15&M friends.

    1. Sorry about the issues commenting here. I have trouble on some with google. No one will tire of your rant- you have a right. XO

  5. Super happy you are back! I had to google Big Chill refrigerator… pretty cool! So many colors. I would have to get a red one. I have a red toaster, a red Crock-Pot® slow cooker (sits on the counter all the time), a few pieces of red cookware and a red blender. I have to smile at your #4 Fill-In ♥
    Angel Prancie and her hat♥
    My Fill-Ins–
    1. The day is not complete until I do my commenting on blogs.
    2. I miss all the wonderful wineries in Missouri that we went to regularly all year long. Sipping wine outdoors with friends and family surrounded by the beautiful rolling hills of rural Missouri.
    3. To move someplace with four seasons and where I can have Fall and Winter clothes in my closet is my dream I think.
    4. I wish I could remove thinking about what’s for dinner from my daily routine.
    Thanks Ellen! Happy Friday to the Meowing Crew and their Peeps!

    1. Thank you for missing me. I missed you all too. I would also get red because my kitchen linoleum is original from 1947 and has a red strip in it. Thank you for these great answers. I understand #4, it is hard to come up with meals all the time. And I could not live in a place that didn’t have 4 seasons. XO

  6. 1. My morning is not complete until I have my coffee.
    2. I love to love on my kitties.
    3. Peace is my dream for our world.
    4. I wish I could remove all housework from my daily routine.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to the kitties. ♥

  7. guyz…may bee if mom leevez enuff postee notez round de houz, dad will splurge on a big chill for her…afturr all, think oh all de beer it can hold ‼️🧡💛🤎😺🍻🍻🍻

  8. Thriller was a great album.

    I just looked up the Big Chill. Wow. Not unless I win the lottery as won’t happen because I don’t waste money on tickets.

    Angel Prancie was always so pretty. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.

  9. Howdy Angel Prancie – love the hat………..we’re trying to comment again just in case it goes through this time!

    Hugs, Teddy

  10. We liked your fill-ins Ellen, and that Big Chill is so colourful, we like that too. Granny had a refrigerator in the eighties that she coloured purple. It was still standing after more than 20 years. People were making jokes about it, but they never met Big Chill and its colours😹Love the warm hat on Angel Prancie💗Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞

  11. Chaplin: “Our Dada hasn’t heard ‘Thriller’ in a long time! Some Halloweens they play it at the studio and everyone does the zombie dance, but he and Mama weren’t there for Halloween so they would have missed it this year.”
    Charlee: “Also our Dada says when he saw ‘Big Chill’ he immediately thought of some movie with Glenn Close and Kevin Kline and then he also immediately realized he was ‘dating himself’, or so he says …”

  12. I know I commented! And now your blog won’t come up in my feed. Ugh.

    Thriller is amazing, isn’t it.

    Angel Prancie was most precious, thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.


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