Frodo and Amarula in the Catnip Patch

AMARULA: Frodo move out of the catnip patch I want my turn! Winter is coming fast and we don’t have much more time to enjoy the patch!

FRODO: Come rub my tummy Amarula!

AMARULA: I am not rubbing your tummy! This is so ridiculous

AMARULA: Look, you stay in your corner and I will stay in mine and enjoy this clump

FRODO: Ok Amarula. Sounds like a deal though I still don’t understand why you don’t want to snuggle in my sunbeam!

PS Zulu says hi and is doing well though still not eating on his own yet

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!

14 thoughts on “Frodo and Amarula in the Catnip Patch”

  1. N joy sum oh that nip for me guyz and contin mewed blezzing two ewe zulu…pleez give it a go on eatin sum fizh…oh kay


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