Joining John Holton’s Writer’s Workshop again this week. Thanks for the opportunity, John!
Write a post based on the word soulmates.
Write a post in exactly 8 sentences.
Post photos of your Halloween costume or your (grand)child(ren)’s costume(s).
Make a list of things you have planned for November.
List the top ten songs that you never want to hear again, and why.
Write an essay entitled “Giving a child an unusual name is a bad idea.”
FROM ANTAGONISTS TO SOULMATES #WritersWorkshop #dogladysden #memoir #lovestory
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HOW ANIMOSITY TURNED TO LOVE (Just like in the movies!)
My husband and I have been together since October 16, 1971 (our first date!) and married since August 4, 1973. Nobody expected us to fall in love and most thought the marriage would never last…
Here’s how it all began:
EXT: Parking lot of the local hangout, an Italian espresso bar/billiard parlour. It’s a sunny and mild Sunday afternoon in March 1971.
Several males and two females are engaged in conversation, surrounded by the latest muscle cars of the era.
LESLIE, a lanky short-haired blonde, is grieving the recent breakup of her relationship.
DEBBIE, of average height and build, with long auburn hair, is a free agent, juggling several suitors and taking none of them seriously. She too has had her heart broken recently and doesn’t want to get involved with anyone.
A black Camaro pulls up, and two males get out.
FRANK, the mustachioed driver, is of medium height and slight build, with light brown hair in a fashionable “shag” haircut.
ANGELO, slightly shorter and more muscular, is clean shaven, with a swarthy complexion, hazel eyes and dark, shoulder-length hair.
They join the group.
FRANK: “Meet my old friend from Italy. We used to play soccer together.”
LESLIE “Hi. What’s your name?”
ANGELO replies, and LESLIE pulls a sour face. That is also the name of her despised ex-boyfriend!
DEBBIE laughs (at LESLIE).
ANGELO grabs her arm, scowling.
ANGELO: (in a heavy Italian accent) “What’s so funny ’bout my name?”
DEBBIE pulls her arm away, thinking, “what an asshole!”
They glare at each other.
Yes, I met the love of my life over half a century ago! He had moved here directly from Italy a few months earlier and barely spoke English. We took an instant dislike to one another, which made for an awkward situation, as we shared the same social circle.
Slowly, we became platonic friends, but our relationship took a more romantic turn when he asked me out on a date that October. One night and we were both completely besotted!
My 18th birthday, Jan. 1973
The following year, I informed my parents I wouldn’t be following their plan for college. (A big fight ensued, but it was my life, after all.) I found a job to earn my keep. Nothing glamorous; cashier at a bakery, but it gave me some independence.
A few months later, my sweetie and I rented an apartment. What fun to set up housekeeping together! We decided to get married in the summer and picked the first weekend of August, almost two years after that famous first date.
As mentioned above, this met with disapproval and skepticism. My parents came around when they saw we were going ahead without them. They’re both gone now, but my soulmate and I are still here!
Material culled from previously published memoirs.
To view all participants’ entries, and/or join the workshop, visit John: [right-click to open in new tab]
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Dog Mom and (retired) Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as The Doglady. Former corporate workaholic. Writer, photographer, digital creator. Animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller. Eternal hippie/rockchick. History, literature and cinema buff. Hockey and soccer fan. Dedicated night owl. German/Canadian binational, multilingual. Let me entertain you!
25 thoughts on “FROM ANTAGONISTS TO SOULMATES | #WritersWorkshop”
That’s a great story Debbie – not all meetups are love at first sight and some are not even cordial as you cite, but look how things turned out. To be married 51 years is a testament to your love.
To still be together since 1971 means you really must be soulmates, Debbie. You must have discovered the magic that binds a relationship together.
Best wishes, Pete.
What a lovely story! It’s funny how you went from not liking each other to being soulmates! Your journey is a perfect reminder that love can blossom in unexpected ways. I loved the details about your early days together—such a fun read! Here’s to many more happy years ahead!
It was an interesting and romantic story. It’s funny how you started out not liking each other but I think it is better that way. Maybe you got to know each other on a deeper level that way before becoming a couple.
Thanks for sharing your story. I find it very interesting how your relationship continues to exceed expectations. I wish you the best. Thanks also for visiting my blog.
How I love this romance story, Debbie! What a great read! Congrats to you and your hubby Angelo for defying the odds and creating a beautiful, long-lasting marriage. Good to know there are still some of us die-hards around!
| #WritersWorkshop
That’s a great story Debbie – not all meetups are love at first sight and some are not even cordial as you cite, but look how things turned out. To be married 51 years is a testament to your love.
Thank you, Linda!
I can’t imagine being with anyone else, but we are both shocked by how quickly the years have passed.
You two were blessed to finally realize you were right for each other – 51 years is a long time. A match made in Heaven Debbie.
This was fun to read, Debbie. You have a great history. Love at first fight.
“Love at first fight” Good one, Mary!
I’m glad you enjoyed my story.
Wonderful story! Happy hugs
Thank you, diedre!
Hugs back to you.
To still be together since 1971 means you really must be soulmates, Debbie. You must have discovered the magic that binds a relationship together.
Best wishes, Pete.
Something like that, Pete!
Plus the fact that we’re both stubborn and not willing to give up.
What a lovely story! It’s funny how you went from not liking each other to being soulmates! Your journey is a perfect reminder that love can blossom in unexpected ways. I loved the details about your early days together—such a fun read! Here’s to many more happy years ahead!
Thank you, Veronica!
I’m glad you enjoyed the story.
Funny how things work out sometimes. Congratulations on keeping it all together.
Thank you, Lee!
A storybook ending, well sort of.
Plenty of rocky spells in between.
What a great story! I love how you said it was your life… I wasn’t allowed to say that before I graduated from college…
Thank you, John!
I came from a dysfunctional family and couldn’t wait to get out of there. My parents had no authority over me at that point.
It was an interesting and romantic story. It’s funny how you started out not liking each other but I think it is better that way. Maybe you got to know each other on a deeper level that way before becoming a couple.
That makes sense, Thomas.
Some classic love stories have started out that way, mostly in the movies.
Thanks for sharing your story. I find it very interesting how your relationship continues to exceed expectations. I wish you the best. Thanks also for visiting my blog.
Thank you, Dave!
We have definitely beat the odds. Glad to know you’re doing well also.
I love a happy ending. Funny how this works. You two are perfect for each other.
I linked this post to Wordless Wednesday.
Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Debbie. ♥
Thank you, Sandee!
Sorry, I didn’t think to link-up. Not really a photo post, but I appreciate your doing that. Have a lovely weekend! 
How I love this romance story, Debbie! What a great read! Congrats to you and your hubby Angelo for defying the odds and creating a beautiful, long-lasting marriage. Good to know there are still some of us die-hards around!
Thank you, Nancy!
This is an “against all odds” kind of story.
Hurray for us diehards! 
What a story! You and your husband make such a lovely couple, and 51 years of marriage is incredible. Here’s to many more!
Thank you, Damyanti!
We find it hard to believe so much time has passed.