Friday, October 25, 2024

FFO, Smiles, Scares And Yum

Another 1970´s optometrist-poster - could nearly be from today, fashion repeats itself....
This for Nicole´s FFO.

And Smiles  to join Annie? A bit tough - other as for Ingo who makes sure I am warm with these Zippos!

Also thanks to Gurri (pic from when COVID still nagged on us):

People smile at me, grab my arm, call me lucky mushroom, stop their bikes to turn around to give me a smile (OK,that happened but once)... teamlead went in - I SAW your coat, hi there! Even CEO now seems to know me.
In the dark half of the year (and in summer, Ingo presented me with a summer-Gurri) - wear FUN colors! Make people SMILE.
(The company named the coat "Gurri", not me, she was a cheap oldie back then)
Some funnies?

 Sadly finished my Norway-project, but trains maybe stick with me...
 Stairs, huh?

Of course...


"Everything used to be different: childhood experiences that no longer exist 
Paper maps
Until recently, no one would have dared to go on a car trip without a stack of cards in the glove compartment. Today, children only know the mechanical voice that reads directions from the Google Maps app on their smartphone." 

The German one was a Falk-map. Once unfolded... DRAMA.

ADDENDUM! I was in Braunschweig with my Mom´s car, number-plate GS for Goslar, not BS for Braunschweig.

Near park garage Schützenstraße, Falk-map in hand I´d stopped cause I got lost.
A man came to the window, knocked and offered help. LOL (see why I love this town?). This was 2001...

 Henry 🦁

Ingo takes care I get my vitamins....
Smile,it´s Friday.
Tomorrow: Off to show Ingo the new ESE-place. Meet colleagues and friend fK, maybe.
And hope to keep the job - and work from home!  


Granny Sue said...

So much to love here! The Guernsey photo, love that. The joke, so funny, and those stairs!
We still have paper maps. Because gps can be so wrong. Out West the park rangers have a saying, death by GPS because of people blindly following the GPS into the desert...
Here's to you continuing to work from home!

Iris Flavia said...

I always had print outs from google maps with me cause, as you say... GPS is not always right! Luckily I don´t have a car anymore but used my phone to find my new company´s place (on foot), hell, that was confusing... So, yes, please from home....

Anonymous said...

Nice face and thanks for the smiles -Christine

Iris Flavia said...

Welcome :-)

Lisca said...

Thanks for the smiles. The psychopaths are funny and Worcestershire sauce is not difficult to pronounce ('wooster') but difficult to spell. (I think)
Oh I love maps and will not trvel without one. A few years ago we traveled through northern Germany on our way to Denmark. The autobahn was a nightmare so I tried to buy some maps at the petrol station so we could get off the motorway, but I couldn't find any. Nobody uses maps anymore. I did find some on the way back but then it wasn't so busy on the roads, so we had no problem. I don't trust the satnav. But I do like to use it when I'm walking in a strange city to ge from A to B. Very handy.
Enjoy your weekend,

mamapez5 said...

I love the red coat. I always wear bright colours and get a few comments but if it makes someone smile then that is fine by me. I'll never be one of those old ladies who only wear black, navy and brown. Where's the fun in that!
I do hope you can work from home. With te weather you have been having, it sounds like the best place to be.
The cycle paths made me smile. I am a bit deaf and often mis-hear a word. have a smiley week. Kate x

Charlotte (MotherOwl) said...

Yes, love those German number plates. I was given help several times, as the car I drowe when we lived in Germany was not mine, and said M for München when we lived in Salzgitter (SZ) ;) ... I was lost often, and would have hated driving with local Kennzeichen. I like Gurri and your joke too.

Charlotte (MotherOwl) said...

... I liked the Falk-Plans too, and still use paper maps whenever I go into unknown territory.

River said...

Only half a pear for lunch? Not with a slice of cheese?
I love the Halloween Pizzas and the candle with the spooky shadow. I hope ESE has a place for you and the job lasts a long time.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

You're so right I have some older clothes and I wont let them go as they might come back in fashion! Those Halloween pizzas look scrummy. I always try to smile and talk to people when we're in the park as I know there are some that we meet who don't see anyone else all day. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Iris Flavia said...

We say woostersauce,but Jamie Oliver really goes the complicated way!!!
Yes, Autobahns are nightmares with all the trucks and racing idiots!
To us "old guys" hugs! (or gals)

Gene Black said...

I do love it when I wear something bright and it makes people smile.
The "cycle paths" is so funny. We do sometimes hear something "differently" than it was said.

Iris Flavia said...

YES to colors!!!! Always.
I only hear well on my left ear - all the nonsense I get I should really gather and blog,LOL(we need humor,huh?) -to smiles, hugsx

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, great we get help with non-local-number-plates! How did you re-fold Falk??? I hope Ingo is home from SZ (with a BS-plate) soon. If by car I print out google maps.... Gurri sure helps me through the dark...

Iris Flavia said...

I dislike sweet so much I was "done". But right now I have rice, pepper and... tadaa: cheese!
And I made tomato-sauce for pizza. Thank you, I HOPE ESE keeps me (from home)...

Iris Flavia said...

Yes to all that. Some are lonely! Sometimes I stand with W for over an hour. To a great and yummy weekend! xXx

Iris Flavia said...

Yes to making people smile and oh. Sadly most is German and hence nonsense to translate, but with my almost missing right ear I understand some crazy stuff...

Annie said...

I love your red coat...I love bright colours too. Your funnies always make me smile.
Annie x

Tom said...

...yes, have a yummy Halloween!

My name is Erika. said...

That is a bright and happy coat Iris. I used to have (until it got to dirty to get clean) a bright yellow coat and every said they would never lose me in a crowd. It was great when I went to places like New York City. And you are right about today's vintage look. It does look more modern.Thanks for the Worcestershire sauce too. I was born in and grew up in Worcester so I don't know why it is so hard to say-ha ha. Have a super start to your weekend. hugs-Erika

RedPat said...

Love your funnies today, Iris. ;-)

Iris Flavia said...

I am SO glad bought the coat! To smiles, hugs x

Iris Flavia said...

It is not "celebrated" here,I enjoy it through your blogs!

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for reminding me, I have a book of maps of the US states, published many years ago, sitting crumpled in the trunk of my car. It may give useful information even if many highways have been built since it was printed. I used one of those books in 1975 to tour the whole US.

gigi-hawaii said...

That stairs joke made me chuckle. What a dumb contractor.

DVArtist said...

I have missed you and your posts. You are so funny. I love the train joke. I have one for next week. Great faces especially the food faces and I love the spooky shadow. Thank you for joining FFO and have a fabulous weekend.

Iris Flavia said...

Yellow is very cool, too! How do you pronounce the city/sauce? Ingo says "Wooster", Jamie Oliver... uh-oh... To a great weekend, hugs!

Iris Flavia said...

:-) You´re very welcome, RedPat!

Iris Flavia said...

You´re welcome,I roamed Germany and Ingo and I Australia with "paper"!

Iris Flavia said...

a) LOL, b) yes (hope that is a joke)

Iris Flavia said...

Looking forward to next week!! Spooky,funny weekend know...

Let's Art Journal said...

Fabulous post 😊. I couldn't eat the pizzas though, they're too scary - eek! I'd gladly eat the pear though especially with Henry peeking out from the plate ❤️. Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

Amy said...

People here don't really get into Halloween? Do they celebrate it there?

Iris Flavia said...

LOL, I´d prefer the pizza! Hugs x

Iris Flavia said...

Sadly not really.... I think it could be fun!

Bill said...

I like wall maps and have one of Ireland, the US and the world. Hope you can conntinue to work from home, that's the best.

Granny Annie said...

I love the Halloween cookies and need to make them for the party I am attending. Everyone does a great job and I never bring anything good.

CJ Kennedy said...

Lucky Mushroom. Glückspilz? Either way, what a cute nickname. Your Gurri makes me smile. Fingers crossed for new job and being able to work from home! 🤞🏼

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I still use paper maps because I STILL don't own a cell phone!

Wow on those glasses. I have a pair like that from the 80s.

LOVE the Picard joke and the stairs. Have a super rest of Friday and a great weekend, Iris.

Gillena Cox said...

Do much funnin this post. OMG the yummy sleleton faces are fantastic.
Thanks forvlinkingbto Art For Fun Friday


Iris Flavia said...

We have Australia on the wall :-) Falk maps were/are per city, awful...
Yes from home is best!

Iris Flavia said...

Great I could help :-) Sad I can´t try them!

Iris Flavia said...

Yupp, Glückspilz :-) Thank you I can need all crossed fingers!

Iris Flavia said...

I luckily have a work-cellphone with an option for private use. I don´t even need WIFI!
Yes, the 80´s were awful, fashion-wise. My Dad sold glasses you could color yourself. I chose pink. Ouch ;-) I still have to watch Picard, Ingo got the whole series on DVD (= in English) - to a great weekend!

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, scary faces to much up! :-)