Friday, October 18, 2024

Today Is Friday, October 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.


Yesterday, Murphy and I went down to Post Falls to visit his sister Faith. She will be having back surgery sometime next week.

I am not counting childbirth or colonoscopy. I have only had three things done in a hospital in my lifetime. Tonsils, hernia, and tubes tied.

She sure has a different perspective on money. Her income is quite a bit more than ours. She takes weight-loss drugs. They cost her just under $150 a month, which is almost 12 % of our income.

We had lunch at the senior center. They had chicken fried steak, which was tender and tasty. I stopped by the community action center to see about the energy assistant. The form isn’t there yet, but it could be possible at the end of this month or the beginning of next month.

We drove up to Northern Homestead, got some weatherized items for our outside basement door, dropped off some items at the animal thrift store, and just looked around a little.

Also yesterday. I got some artist trading cards. I did a little art this afternoon. And did some general chores around the place. Today, art for Wiki art is called “A worker with a lamp,” which was done by FERNAND LEGER. Here is more of Leger, WORKS

It took me long enough to complete the quilt block. I recently found SU.E. KREITZMAN on YouTube. She loves color, and so do I. I’m also linking to FACE OFF and ART FOR FRIDAY.

Coffee is on.


  1. ...fortunate you, I've been to the hospital more times than I want to remember. Be well.

  2. I don't like being in the hospital, it's awful with no rest. Lunch sure sounds good!

  3. How did you select your nick as Peppy? My husband's name, Joseph, is Peppa in Czech, which I still use in Australia. It is a very cute name.

  4. Nice not to have needed the hospital for too much.

  5. Good you got some art done

  6. I wish we had such a senior center.

  7. Hospitals are places for care and healing but being sick is no fun.
    Your embroidery. scene is amazing. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  8. Love the embroidered art, That's a lot of money to spend on slimming! Happy weekend, Valerie

  9. I am not fond of hospitals…

  10. Chicken fried steak is so good. My brother has had several back surgeries and after seeing what's he's gone through I would never let them operate on my back or neck.

  11. Pleased that the chicken fried steak was tender and tasty.

    All the best Jan

  12. Love the needlepoint.....a lost art for sure!

  13. My comment has been sent to spam I think.

  14. Hope your sister-in-law's back surgery goes well. And I love the stitching of your quilt block. That lion is cool! Hope you're having a great weekend.


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Today Is Wednesday, March 26, 2025: This Is What Happened.

  I usually don't post my blog at this time. It almost 1:30 in the afternoon. What time day do post your blog? Mine is usually later in...