Why can’t anthros wise up?
“We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.” Jimmy Carter
A great statesman.
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Isn’t it amazing how far technology has come in the last two hundred years. From horses and all labor done by hand to an industrial, nuclear and technological revolution. And still, still, people kill each other.
I believe the reson is simply, human nature does not change as the technology does. A human a thousand years ago is the same as us, simply with less technology.
My solution is to pray for my own change, to be more a follower of Jesus as Mr. Carter has been his whole life.
Good thoughts, Messymimi, good thoughts.
Wise words from former President Carter.
Oh, yes, very wise and from a good heart.
War is completely senseless and sad, Loulou.
Oui, it is. We kitties feel that women should run things. Women and kitties that is.
Jimmy Carter……has been on this earth a long time and has seen a lot and done a lot. He was all about others – not himself – which is refreshing to say the least!
Hugs, Pam
Oui, a selfless man, so wise, and a wonderful example of a good human being.
Jimmy Carter was not the most respected of presidents, but he has certainly shown, by the way he has lived his life, what a great person he really truly is !
That is so true. Anthros can be so blind sometimes.
We do love Jimmy Carter!
An amazing human being and what a life.
Excellent spark and so true. XO
Merci, Ms E. Sometimes we forget how to be good to one another.
So true. You’re a beautiful kitty, Loulou.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Loulou. ♥
De dien, and your kitty on Monday was so darling!
Jimmy Carter is an example of how to be a good human.
Oh, mais oui, a kind heart and so was his lovely mate.
Loulou, Lynn loves Jimmy Carter and so glad he made it to 100. If only other “leaders” would take his ideas and thoughts seriously.
Mama is not sure that some leaders whom we will NOT NAME could ever take ANYONE seriously who is a decent person!!!!All they know is how to lie and cheat.