jueves, 3 de octubre de 2024

hugs and kisses card

Hola nuevamente !!

Para los blogs...

Freshly  Made Sketches  #656

Just Us Girls #747 Color Week amarillo- celeste y gris

hice la siguiente tarjeta:

Usé troquel rectángulos
cartulina gris pizarra
punch flores
markers para colorear
tiralínea 0.5 para flores
sello saludo 

12 comentarios:

  1. Such pretty flowers and I really like the look of the CAS layout! Thanks for playing along with us this week at Just Us Girls!

  2. Terrific clean design! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Just Us Girls!

  3. Your flowers are so pretty and I love the centres of them too. A sweet, stylish card.

  4. Elisa... love your use of our colors in a clean and simple card! Thanks so much for joining and sharing with us at Just Us Girls.

  5. Lovely CAS card Elisa. Thanks for sharing at JUGS this wek.

  6. Fabulous CAS design, Elisa. I love how the colorful flowers pop against the black panel. Thanks for joining us at FMS this week.



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