viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024

smile card

Hola a todos !! Para los blogs...

Krafty Chicks Ch #735 All Occasions

Simon Says Wednesday Anything Goes 

Word Art Wednesday #667 - 668 Anything Goes 

Cardz 4 Galz #234 Any Colouring  Medium 

Love to Scrap #169 Anything Goes 

The Paper Funday #69 Anything Goes 

hice la siguiente tarjeta:

Usé troquel rectángulo
Pintura Acrílica
Markers para colorear 
Sellos Circulos - Elefante
troquel Círculo 
tiralínea 0.3 margen
stiker saludo
fussi cut

12 comentarios:

  1. Such cute elephants, and love the different colors and textures on all the circles! Thanks for sharing with us at the Paper Funday Challenge.

  2. Hi Elisa! The textures on your circles are unique and beautiful. LOVE this sweet and creative design. Thanks for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday. Have a great week and please visit us again soon. Blessings!

  3. coloring is always fun and i am so glad you can join us at C4Galz for the challenge and share your creaiton with us

  4. Such a cute card and lovely elephants…love all the texture

    Thanks so much for joining us on the Krafty Chicks blog challenge….

    Love and crafty hugs from

    Wendy (GDT)

  5. Sweet images and a cool design. Thanks for joining the fun at The Paper Funday Challenge and sharing your sweet card with us.
    Donna xx
    Paper Funday Challenges
    Inspiration Station Challenges
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge



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