Friday, September 20, 2024

FFO, Aussi Yum And Smiles

With her I join Nicole´s FFO. I love  the 70´s  but this, oy.... LOL.
Would you wear those? If you wear glasses.
For Gillena´s Lunch Break... thanks again to FB, where I found Pie Me, we got this:

Made by a real Aussie guy in Bonn, sent Germany-wide, frozen. Bummer, huh?
This was beef chili  cheese pie, if I remember correct.
And for Annie´s Smiles I have something contagious!
Do not fear... just scroll down 🧡 Good ole FB again:

Here goes:

"Damn, That's Interesting
𝗝𝗼𝘆𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗝𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘆𝘀  ·
Earlier this evening, an 84-year-old woman called the station seeking help with installing her air conditioners. She mentioned how unbearably hot it was inside her home and, despite trying, couldn't find anyone to help.
With the temperature at 85°F and expected to rise in the coming days, Sgt. Spetelunas took action. He enlisted the help of Officer Borsari, and together, they installed one of her window AC units.
While they were there, several neighbors noticed the officers and kindly volunteered to install the remaining two AC units for the woman and her husband, reminding us all that kindness is truly contagious.
Credit: Pawtucket Police Department".

Warmer weather made me smile, too, for my week... see coming Tuesday, if you like.
More smiles?

Some funnies, right:

1991, Cairo, airport. The taxi´s back door didn´t close fully. Eeeeek.

#Golden Girls... Wish they would do a re-run!

And of course...

That´s all, folks. Except....

 "Albert Einstein's creative and brilliant quotes
About learning
When you stop learning, you start dying."
 Henry 🦁 sends Granpa Max who was a true diva yesterday:
From a spoon, please....
Get spoiled and smile!


Annie said...

Oh Iris you really made me chuckle today….i love your funnies. Thanks for sharing.
Annie x

Tom said...

...once again Iris, thanks the chuckles!!!

Gene Black said...

Kindness really is contagious….and so is laughter

Iris Flavia said...

Glad I made you chuckle! Hugs and enjoy the day

Iris Flavia said...

You´re welcome, Tom!

Iris Flavia said...

True words!

RedPat said...

Love the pizza t-shirts, Iris.

Barbara Rogers said...

These are definitely some upbeat things to consider, smile a bit, and go into a better day!

Lisca said...

Those glasses were the height of fashion in the 70s. Very beautiful. I also wore enormous designer glasses in the 70s.
Oh I really laughed my head off! (Too many letters, lol!)
I would also love to see the Golden Girls again. Yes my drawer jams with the same things, very true.
Enjoy your weekend,

Iris Flavia said...

Glad you feel that way :-)

Iris Flavia said...

You´re very welcome, Annie, hugs x

Iris Flavia said...

I still have some Christian Dior glasses from the time back then here!
Yes, Picard, huh.
I think I know where the big spoon went. Fell out behind the more than full drawer. To a great weekend!

gigi-hawaii said...

Those glasses look nice on her, but it would make my small nose look even smaller. That car joke is hilarious!

DVArtist said...

You always have interesting and fun posts. Love the glasses on the 70's lady. Pizza dad and baby too funny. Yes, why doesn't this drawer open. That is so true. Thank you for joining FFO and have a great weekend.

Iris Flavia said...

LOL, II have a small nose, too - didn´t think of that aspect!
Bad memories with that taxi... ;-)

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you, dear host, glad you liked it!

Bill said...

You always have a nice selection of funnies. :) Thanks for sharing them.

Mae Travels said...

The little slice off the big pizza is a cute pic.

Amy said...

I probably would wear those glasses =, they look extremely expensive though so not sure I could afford them. They look posh.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I have to wear glasses but don't fancy those, a bit too big for me. Oh my!!! those kitchen tools have caused many bad words to come from my mouth they just have this weird sense of humour and deliberately stick themselves just high enough in the drawer so that you cannot open it, I hate them! Have a good weekend with no stuck drawers. Hugs Angela xXx

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Applause for the officers. Kindness really is contagious!

Gillena Cox said...

Luv pie or pizza best. Every reasob to smile.
Thank you for linking to AFFF


My name is Erika. said...

I love those Star-trek sillies. Thanks for sharing them on Fridays. And those glasses. I'm not sure they're my favorite, but she is one pretty 70's lady. I wonder what she looks like now. Hope it was a great FRiday. hugs-Erika

magiceye said...

The funnies helped me start the day chuckling. Thank you! And yes, kindness is contagious.

Katerinas Blog said...

Amazing post Iris!!
I really liked the pic with the pizza slices, it complements him!!! Also the Einstein quote when you stop learning you die!!
Have a nice Sunday!!

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you, I want you to smile :-)

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, cute and clever idea!

Iris Flavia said...

Those posters really are from the 70´s. My Dad was an optometrist with his own shop.

Iris Flavia said...

Angela,I think a big spoon escaped from the back of the drawer - must have a look. At least so far with a bit of rattling I got the darn thing open so far. Do I learn? Nope... LOL and hugs xXx

Iris Flavia said...

So yes, and to the neighbors,who had no idea the problem existed!

Iris Flavia said...

Such a cute idea, huh? If I´d seen that 14 years earlier... perfect pressie for my Bro.

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, those Trekki-sillies I love! Well, I think the lady is still pretty! Hugs and to a great Saturday!

Iris Flavia said...

You´re very welcome :-) To kindness.

Iris Flavia said...

Katerina, yes to both - we sure will live for a long time - to a great weekend!