Sunday, September 15

Christmas Cookies (If You Give A Crafter A Cookie...)

I went with the chocolate chip cookies idea and created a scrapbook page using my Cricut, to place some cookie pictures on it this Christmas!

Sharing my project with:
~FarmQuest Homestyle Kitchen-anything food or kitchen-related
~Girlz Creative Fun Art of Scrap-anything with pattern paper
~Merry Little Christmas-anything Christmas
~Peace On Earth-anything Christmas
~Krafty Chicks-Christmas
~Christmas with the Cuties-cute, Christmas and gnomes
~Love Those Pretty Papers-anything with pattern paper
~Mix It Up-anything goes
~Love To Scrap-anything goes
~We Love 2 Create-anything goes

Happy Crafting, 


Becca S said...

Thanks so much for sharing/creating the scrapbook layout with food and kitchen tools!!! I've known a few women who start before Thanksgiving with their Christmas cookie baking and freezing so that they can do huge platter assortments for holiday get-togethers. I'm not in this category!!!! I wish I was. What about you? Or are you too busy creating gifts for your students and don't have time to bake? Actually this scrapbook layout answers the question that you do have time! :) Duh. Silly me. Thanks for sharing at FQHSKCB for anything food-related goes!!!

The Crafty Den said...

What a fun scrapbook layout Deanne. I love the papers you used and the cookies look yummy. Thanks for sharing with us at Krafty Chicks challenge. Hugs, Denise x

Diane said...

Super fun and creative layout!!
Thank you for joining our challenge at Love Those Pretty Papers!
Diane Co-Owner LTPP
{Nellies Nest}
Co-Owner: {Simply Clean & Simple}
NEW {Love Those Pretty Papers}, {Word Power}, {Double D}, {Peace On Earth}, {Four Seasons}, {Two Old Bats}, {Can You Handle The Pressure}, {Stencil Fun}, {Triple B}

Claudia's kaartjes said...

Wow, this is stunning!! Thanks for joining us at Girlz Creative Fun Art of Scrap
Oh, das een toffe kaart. Leuk!! En bedankt voor je deelname aan onze challenge bij Girlz Creative Fun Art of Scrap
Creatieve Groetjes Claudia

Mijn FB pagina: Claudia's Kaartjes and more
Blog:Claudia's Kaartjes
Challenge blogs:
Girlz Creative Christmas 
Girlz makes Guyz Cards
Girlz creative crafts
Creative sketchy girls
Girlz Rebel Challenge
Girlz Creative Fun Art of Scrap

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