Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sebastopol Goose #WordlessWednesday

I was visiting Fly Creek Cider Mill and Orchard in Fly Creek, New York, which is near Cooperstown, New York.  From the outside looks a bit over-the-top touristy but it's actually a true working water powered cider mill dating from 1856.  They sell hard and soft cider, delicious molasses cookies, pies, cheese, great apple wine, and gin made from apples.

They have various domestic birds - chickens, ducks, and geese.  This is a Sebastopol goose, a breed that originated in Germany.  It's healthy although it looks like it's been in a fight. They are friendly and good mothers, You can learn more about this breed here.  They are in a threatened status, with less than 5,000 known to exist at the present time.  And yes, they like apples.


Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. ...thanks for teaching me something new this morning, Sebastopol geese are new to me.

  2. The goose is most attractive. I'm sure the cider was nice, too.

  3. It does look like it's been in a fight. A cute little one. I didn't know there was this type of goose.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  4. We don't have that problem with geese, fortunately. This year we have a lot of apples.

  5. What a good capture and info 👍

    Have a goosetastic week 👍

  6. We kept a pair of African geese for several years. They were a lot of fun to have around. We finally gave them to a farmer with more room for them to explore and rule over.

  7. I've not heard of that goose breed before. It did look a bit ruffled until I looked them up. They look ruffled, like curly feathers! Interesting.

  8. Thank you for this post. A lot of new ideas.
    And the image is so cute!
    Happy WW, Alana! Have fine week!❤️😘

  9. this made me smile. what a cute goose.

  10. Yeah, that bird doesn't look good. But if that's how they're supposed to look...

  11. Mmm, I'm a fool for molasses cookies! The curly goose is cute.


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