Sunday, August 18

Chicken, The Pet that Poops Breakfast T-shirt

I made this t-shirt for my sister who raises chickens for their eggs.
My Chicken...Poops Breakfast t-shirt can be found at Cricut Design Space.

Sharing my project with:
~Crafty Animals-anything with an animal
~FarmQuest General Store-anything country/farm-related
~FarmQuest Grocery Game-food starting with AB or C (chicken)
~~TOP 3~~
~FarmQuest Homestyle Kitchen-food (chicken and eggs)
~Ally's Angels-anything goes
~Carlin's Challenge-anything goes
~A Place To Start-anything goes
~Pammie's Inky Pinkies-anything goes

Happy Crafting, 


Chana Malkah said...

Funny! Thanks for sharing with us at A Place to Start!

Becca S said...

Thanks for supporting FarmQuest Grocery Game Challenges for Letters a-b-c!!! What a funny way to think about this! I occasionally gathered eggs for my paternal grandma when she lived on their farm up until I was about 10 years old or so. I'm sure your sister is loving the new t-shirt!!! Fabulous idea!!! --Becca

Becca S said...

Thanks for sharing at FQGS, too!!!

Megan J said...

Hi Deanne, a fun shirt for anyone who keeps chickens, a neighbour has some and we occasionally need to chase them back down the street to the appropriate house... Thank you for sharing with us at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends... good luck in the prize draw... Megan DT LPoCF

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