a card with three fish on it and the words fishing you're a happy birthday
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Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #600-Just Add Ink #714-Little Red Wagon #768- Inpire.Create #174

I'm submitting this card to the following challenges: Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #600 Happy Birthday -https://cupcakeinspirations.blogspot.com/, Just Add Ink Color Challenge #714 - https://just-add-ink.blogspot.com/, Little Red Wagon Challenge #768 Make it Masculine -https://lilredwagon.blogspot.com/, and Inspire.Create Challenge #174 Men https://inspirecreatechallenges.blogspot.com/. I used the Honey Bee Lovely Layers: Lures—Honey Cuts and applied Ranger Glossy Accents to create a shiny finish.
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