Sunday, July 28, 2024

My June Flower Garden and Critters

I know it's July, but the hardest part of being a gardener is photographing your own garden and posting pictures of it.  Why?  Because you are so busy gardening you don't have time! 😂.  Anyhow, if you don't mind, I am going to show you this week all the photos of my June flowers, and I'll be back next week with my July flowers then hopefully we will be back on schedule.  If you missed my May flower post, you can find it HERE!

June is my favorite time of year for my perennial garden.  There is just so much in bloom in June and the insects, storms, hot weather, and whatever other garden nuisance hasn't had the time to do too much damage.  This summer has been the summer of storms, flooding, and extreme wind.  And don't even get me going about the deer.  You will see one of those little rascals below.  It's nice to look back on these beauties and see how fresh and pretty everything looked.

Yellow Iris with Lamium and sedum in the forefront.

Purple Campanula


My one and only Delphinium that did anything this year.  I don't have much sun in my yard, so only one of my three Delphinium bloomed.  This one is about six feet tall

Endless Summer Hydrangea (mine blooms pink)

Peach Asiatic Lily

Stella D' Oro Daylily inside a planter in front of my garden shed

Purple Foxglove


Stella D' Oro Daylilies with Hosta and Spirea bushes in background

Pond with yellow sedum 


White Perennial Geranium in forefront with Foxgloves and Lynchis in background

Every gardeners worst nightmare.  ha ha! I love them, but I hate them.  I'm awestruck by their beauty and grace in a garden, but oh my, the damage they do.  It is heart-breaking.

Blue perennial Geranium

Peony with chartreuse hosta in background.  I love the contrast of color!

White Foxglove close up


Hot Pink Peony with Iris in background

Another cute garden critter.  This little guy is so unafraid of humans.  I couldn't believe how close he got to me while I was gardening.  I got so close I could take this great picture.

Hot Pink Single Peony

Sara Bernhardt light pink Peony

Burgundy Peony

Lupine with Purple Ornamental Onion in background

Columbine in forefront with yellow Iris in background

A Swallowtail enjoying the nectar of an Ornamental Onion

And here are some of my feathered friends that visit the garden.  The first is a video of orioles.  I can't believe how many orioles I have at the feeder this year.  

The last photo shows a pair of Cedar Waxwings.  I only see this bird once a year when they show up to eat the berries from Mulberry tree.  I was so lucky I got this photograph of them.  They are not considered rare birds, yet I "rarely" see them 😆.

I hope you enjoyed my June garden tour.  I will be back with photos from July next week.

Have A Great Day!  Amy

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  1. What a gorgeous garden! It's your own personal sanctuary, Amy! My husband is the gardener in our family and I'm grateful for his green thumb! (And we couldn't agree more... the critters that visit add a magical touch BUT they also have the ability to wipe out all of Hubby's hard work - especially those beautiful deer and cute bunny rabbits!). Have a good week!

  2. Absolutely beautiful, I always enjoy these posts and a bonus this time with the beautiful animals in your garden! I live within a city (small town) so we never get deer but have an abundance of squirrels (more than I ever saw in a park or in the wild) and they also are so unafraid of humans. One year when I was working in my garden I had at least 5 of 6 of them chasing each other.. sort of running around me, it (almost) scared me thinking one might accidentally run up on me LOL.
    I can't believe you have mostly a shade garden as each season you have the most beautiful blooms! I just love it!

    1. Thank you. Yes, that would be scary. I fell asleep in a chair outside once holding peanuts (I was feeding the squirrel) and it jumped right up in my lap and scared me to death! Yes, as the trees have matured, I have less and less sun forcing me to replace my flowers with hosta.

  3. You have so many beautiful varieties of flowers and plants. I had a deer eat one of our rhododendrons so badly that the plant died and I need to get something to replace it.

    1. Thank you. That's so sad about your rhododendron.

  4. Wow how wonderful to have a garden. You did a beautiful job with it. This must be very rewarding. Great photos and thanks for sharing here!

    Allie of

    1. Thank you. We enjoy it very much, even with all its challenges.

  5. Gorgeous pictures Amy. You should be very proud. The deer is cute but the damage is heartbreaking! Thanks for linking.

    1. Thanks Gail. No, I'm never proud. I'm more like I see all the work and what needs to be done and I feel like a failure because I don't have the energy or ability to do it all. In my mind, I see what it could be. It's just a lot for one person, especially in their 60's.

  6. I am so to hear about the deer damage. Squirrels do that same in mine and it is truly heartbreaking. Your garden is amazing! I hope you do take to time to enjoy it after all the hard work.


    1. Thank you. Squirrels tend to bother me only in the spring when I plant new stuff. The next morning I wake up and it's all dug up and I have to replant it. It's frustrating.

  7. Absolutely gorgeous! Such lovely colours. Your "worst nightmare" is rather handsome too! My garden also looks good in June. Now it's too hot for anything.

    1. Thank you. Yes, deer are so beautiful. We had such cool, wet weather in June and July everything looks pretty good now in the hot August weather.

  8. What a stunning garden, all those flowers, the deer and squirrel. Awesome
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at #38 #WW (Words welcome). See you Wednesday at #39,

  9. What a charming garden you have! Loveluy #NaturesNotes

  10. Gorgeous, Amy! And so fun that you shared the critters, too! Thanks for sharing at Tuesday Turn About. I'm happy to be featuring your post this week!

    1. Thank you! Oh, that's awesome news about the feature too. I so appreciate it!

  11. Amy, I just love your garden. It's beautiful and filled with so many pretty flowers. We have a few critters that visit, and there's one squirrel that comes around and seems to focus on just one of my rose bushes. Every time there's a new bloom, our camera catches him bending the stem and eating it. It's so frustrating! But it's okay. I've realized I need to cherish that rose bush as soon as it blooms before he gets a hold of it. I'm happy to feature your beautiful garden post this Friday at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #50.

    1. Thank you so much. I had no idea squirrel's eat roses. I've never had a squirrel eat my flowers, but I don't grow roses. They do dig them up though if they are freshly planted. That is so frustrating. Thanks so much for the feature!

  12. Your Garden is not less than a heaven , I envy seeing peonies growing easily in your region. I can never imagine growing many of your blooms living in a temperate weather . Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, people who live in warm climates long to grow peonies, but we wish we could grow a lot of things you can.

  13. Amy your June garden is gorgeous!!! I was trying to pick my favorite flower, but I love them all. Your garden squirrel is so cute and bold.
    Thanks' so much for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friend's this month. I'm so happy you're here.

    1. Thank you so much. I can never pick my favorite flower either. I usually say "Whatever is in bloom at the moment".


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