A “Life with our Pup” Adventure – This post shows our “Simba” learning how to get on the boat after a mishap as a puppy left him with less than an ounce of bravery.
If you follow “Life Is Better Lakeside” you probably already know that although I have been a “dog parent” continually since after I moved into my first apartment in 1981, it wasn’t until exactly 2 years ago, that my husband and I became “parents” of a Golden Retriever for the first time. Our Simba is a sweet, smart, loving, sensitive, gorgeous dog (just ask us – we think he is wonderful).
Simba was our first dog to be a water dog by breed and we were excited about the idea of swimming with him in the pool and boating with him on the lake. We took him out in the boat on a calm day, when he was very young, and were excited by his interest in the boat, the smells in the air, the birds overhead, etc.
Simba (wearing his “Nemo” life jacket) on his first boat ride.
In between boat rides, Simba spent a lot of time in his “baby” pool, and loved the water, which made us very sure he would love the boat even more as he got older.
On Simba’s next few boat rides he got even more comfortable in the boat.
He had a cool pad, to help keep him cool, a water bowl, and treats, etc.
During these first excursions on the boat, I was able to carry Simba and step from the dock to the boat with him in my arms.
However, the next time we were going on the boat I felt that he was too heavy to carry and be able to keep my balance, while stepping in to a rocking boat. Wayne and I decided that Wayne would get in the boat and I would hand Simba off to him. However, it was a choppy day so when I reached out with one hand to grab the boat to hold it steady, I somehow pushed it away, and I lost my balance. Simba and I both fell – me into the water in the boat slip and Simba – in some way (which we have yet to figure out) fell into the boat-which had to have been both frightening and painful for him (although we could find no injuries). At that point Simba became afraid of getting on the boat, and scared also of just being on the dock.
We spent the next 21 months, off and on trying to get Simba convinced that it was ok to be on the dock and to get on the boat. During this time, Simba went from about 24 to 80 pounds. We were occasionally able to get him on the dock, but he never really relaxed while we ate on the table on the dock. We occasionally could get him on the boat if Maggie (Susan and Les’ Airedale Terrier) was on the boat and if there were other adults to help half carry part of him onto the boat, as none of us were able to carry him without help, while also climbing on to the boat at the same time.
We ended up trying a ramp/gangplank so Simba could walk onto the boat – but he was having nothing to do with that.
Our training session utilized one Airedale terrier (Maggie), 4 adults, 1 ramp, 2 sets of carpet strips, and many beef hot dogs. All the people + Maggie were working to help Simba overcome his fear of getting on the boat. If that sounds as interesting to you as it was to me, I hope you will enjoy the following videos. The below playlist contains 6 short sequential videos of training day. This is the first time I have made a playlist of multiple videos – and with any luck, once you hit play, all 6 will appear in sequence – though you will likely have to click on the play button each time a new video starts to load.
Video 1-4 training
Video 5 The Teachable Moment – when Simba realizes that he wants to go on the boat and get the hot dog pieces very, very, very badly – so badly that you can actually hear him whining/crying about it.
Video 6 – For the first time Simba seemed to really want to go on the boat but he just seemed to need a little courage, so I put him on a leash, and walked with him. What happened next, has never happened before – even though I have tried walking him into the boat on a leash – many many times before.
For the best viewing experience, enlarge the video above by clicking on the rectangle shape in the lower right hand corner to enable full screen viewing. Although, each video will appear in sequence, you will likely have to click on play separately – one time for each video.
In looking back on this day, I often wonder, what made it so different and caused Simba’s success. I have a few ideas – that I will share, and please feel free to comment in the Comment section as to what you feel had the greatest impact on Simba’s long awaited success – I value your input!
Below are some things that I think may have contributed to his success…
In case you missed it in the playlist earlier…for an encore, here is Simba’s video again. This is his “Bravo” moment, and in equally wonderful news, he once again loaded himself on the boat a few weeks later. At that time he earned more bites of hot dogs, and then went on a boat ride!!!!
I’d love to hear your comments about the training process, and what you feel was the #1 catalyst for Simba’s success. I’d also love to hear about any” boating with dogs” experiences you have had, and also any dog training successes you’ve experienced. To comment, please scroll down to the comment section at the very bottom of this post.
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Following is a list of websites I really like! They are listed under the day of the week where they also host a Family Friendly “Link Parties” aka “Blog Hops”.
If you click on the name of the blog (in blue) on the evening of the day of the week they are listed under, it should take you to the Link Party, where many bloggers have joined with them to share their own ideas. I love how the link parties connect you with both a great blog, and other blogger’s ideas as well! Many thanks to all these bloggers for bringing so many ideas to all of us!!!
You can actually find these link parties any day of the week, by clicking on the website name below, but once you click, you may need to scroll thru a few entries to find the link party you are looking for.
Life as a Leo wife (Nikki), Eclectic Red Barn (Beverly), Décor Craft Design (Mel) ,A Labour of Life (Linda), Ducks ‘n a Row (Sinea), Love My Messy Messy Mess (Katie) host “Happiness is Homemade” Link Party. I love checking out the home decor, holiday decorations and current projects of all the hostesses as well as the ideas from their link party !
Life and Linda hosts “Love Your Creativity Link Party”. I love checking out Linda’s gorgeous holiday decorations and tablescapes, and her chandelier decorations are a beautiful finishing touch!!
The House on Silverado hosts – “Sundays on Silverado” link party. I am fairly new to Niky’s site but am loving her holiday decorating and her new grandma stories!!
Ridge Haven Homestead – “Sunday Sunshine” Blog Hop. In addition to the blog hop, I am enjoying reading about Laurie’s homestead, the “off the grid” lifestyle they are living and the cabin they are building.
April J Harris – hosts Hearth and Soul Link Party monthly on the first Sunday of the month. I am enjoying reading about April’s traveling adventures, as well as her projects at home!
Life Tales Books Blogspot hosts Will Blog for Comments Link Party. Jennifer is a Photos and Story Treasures Consultant, and I am enjoying her ideas on photos and memory books, as well as her link party!
Holly-Pink Lady(Holly) and Sunshine and books blog (Sarah) host “Hello Monday Link Party”. In addition to the link party, I am enjoying Sarah’s book recommendations, and Holly’s recipes and party ideas.
Between Naps on the Porch hosts “Metamorphosis Monday” posts, which are all about “Befores and Afters”. I love seeing Susan’s amazing home projects which are very inspiring!! I always come away with some great ideas from her posts and from those who have linked up!!
The following link, Senior Salon Pit Stop will get you to the link party on Esme’s site as well as getting you to some great recipes and other ideas!
Charlene at A Pinch of Joy hosts “Busy Mondays”. Charlene’s website is all about home decorating, and holiday decorations and recipes. The first two things are things I love to do and the Recipes are things I like to eat!
Good random fun blogspot hosts The Good.Random.Fun. link party Tamar’s website has some great photography, interesting places to visit, and thoughts on many things. Recently, I enjoyed reading about Hanukkah celebrations!
Beverly at Eclectic Red Barn, Nicky at Life as a Leo Wife, Michelle at Moms are frugal and a few other hostesses host “You’re the Star Blog Hop” I love checking out these websites and the link party for holiday decor, crafts, money saving ideas and tablescapes.
A Stroll Thru Life hosts the “Inspire me Tuesday” link party. Marty has an eye for design and decorating, and turning your house into a home. I always enjoy reading about her projects.
Eclectic Red Barn (Beverly) and Penny’s Passion (Penny) host the “Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop” which often opens on Tuesday evenings. I have enjoyed Beverly’s Red Barn project and her projects and decorating . Penny’s website has both projects and recipes I have enjoyed reading about – and more – see “Thinking Out Loud” under “Thursday” in this list.
Jenerally Informed hosts the “Happy Now Link Party”. Jen from Jenerally informed and Leslie from playmates to parties host “happy now” which brings many craft and decorating ideas and recipes for fun holiday foods.
Perfectly Imperfect-LWL hosts the “Tell It To Me Tuesday Link Party” which brings many decorating ideas, recipes, and ideas for family activities.
Kim and Cassie from Lou Lou Girls host the the “Fabulous Party”. Lou Lou Girls post unique recipes, family activities, DIY and party ideas!
Marci at Stone Cottage Adventures hosts “Tuesdays with a Twist”. Marci posts on gardening, sewing, recipes, crafts and books! Marci’s link party contains many other fun ideas as well.
My Wee Abode (Julie) hosts the “Tuesday Turn About” Link Party. Julie is turning her small home into a charming coastal farmhouse home. Her website and link party include great home decorating, DIY, craft projects and recipes.
Karin’s Kottage hosts the “Karin’s Kottage Link party”. I am also enjoying keeping up with Karin’s Italian Palace remodel! as well as her decorating ideas, crafts, grandchild activities and home projects.
French Ethereal hosts a “Share Your Style” link party where decorating, recipes, fashion, tablescape styles are all shared.
Esme Salon recently began hosting a “Wordless Wednesday” photography link party – I can’t wait to link up!
Creatively Beth hosts the “Creatively Crafty” Link Party. Beth’s website contains wonderful craft posts, including amazing up-cycle, from scratch, and Dollar Store Crafts. Beth’s link party contains a variety of family friendly posts including recipes, crafts, and holiday decor.
Ridge Haven Homestead hosts the Homestead Blog Hop. I am also enjoying reading about the off the grid home that Laurie and her family are building.
Karin at Fifth Sparrow No More, hosts “Whimsy Home Link Party”. Karin posts about Finding the Beauty – in decorating, travel and faith and family!
Cecelia at My Thrift Store Addiction hosts “Vintage Charm” link party. What Cecelia does with her thrift store finds is so creative!
Lydia at Pandora and Max hosts the “All Seasons” Link Party. Lydia’s recent blog entry was all about her trip – and the sunsets are a “must see” – fabulous!
I often participate in Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday. I have been following Susan for quite a long time, and absolutely love her Tablescapes!!! I also love the ideas shared on her Tablescape Thursday link party!
Katherine’s corner hosts the “TFT – Thursday Favorite Things” blog hop. I love the assortment of wonderful decorating, recipe, tablescape, and inspirational ideas found here.
Southern Sunflowers hosts their “Home Matters Link Party” at 8 CT on Thursday. I have really enjoyed linking to their link party and the various decorating, recipe, tablescape and craft ideas found on this website and their “Home Matters” Link Party.
Penny’s Passion hosts the “Thinking Out Loud Link Party” which often begins on Thursday. Thinking out Loud is a great post published each Thursday, and covers many interesting topics. Today the topic was “elf on the shelf – for empty nesters” and I love the traditions Penny has started in her home. So cute!
Roentare.zenfolio blog hosts a photography link party each week. The photography is absolutely gorgeous, as are the places he and his wife photograph!
Good Random Fun hosts the “Little Things” link party, which I enjoy. Its a place for sharing and reading about lots of different topics and ideas.
Marsha in the Middle and Melynda, from Scratch Made Food for Hungry People, and Lisa, from Boondock Ramblings host “Weekend Traffic Jam” which goes live on Thursday at 8:30 pm CT. Marsha posts about Fashion and the link party contains holiday decorations, fashion, and recipes (to name a few of the family friendly links).
Stephanie at Crazy Little Lovebirds hosts the “Crazy Little Lovebirds link party.” It is a gathering for home decor ideas, recipes, tablescapes, reflections, etc. I am enjoying being a part fo this group.
Building Our Hive hosts the “Funtastic Friday” Link Party which includes recipes, home decor, tablescapes, crafts, travel and other family friendly posts.
Cindy at County Road 407 hosts the “Farmhouse Friday” Link Party, which begins at 6:30 am CT each Friday and features home decor – all styles; holiday decorating, tablescapes, crafts, etc.
Andrea at The Cottage Market hosts “A Morning Cup of Joe” link party. Both the website and the link party feature DIY projects, Recipes, home decor, crafts and holiday decorations.
Erika at A Little Bit of Everything and Andrea at Momfessionals, host “Friday Favorites”. Both websites and the link party feature family activities, home decor, fashion, entertaining, recipes, and holiday decorations and traditions.
At Lou Lou Girls Kim, Cassie and Amber bring lots of good recipes and family activities to us and also host “Fabulous Friday” a link party that brings us recipes, holiday decor, family activities and many other family friendly ideas!
Carol at Answer is Choco hosts BFF Link Party. Carol’s website contains lots of ideas about crafts, scrapbooking, recipes and many other things!
Pieced Pastimes Hosts “Saturday Sparks Party” which includes home decors, recipes and holiday fun foods, tablescapes, crafts, etc. Among the many things I appreciate at Pieced Pastimes is the first picture of many posts, where Suzanne shows her current view at home (in New Hampshire) I love her wonderful view in all weather!
Pam’s Party and Practical Tips hosts the “Dare to Share Saturday” Link party – which includes some great party ideas, recipes and crafts!
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Joanne | 12th Jul 24
Yay for success!
Patty | 12th Jul 24
Joanne, Thanks so much for joining me in Cheering for Simba’s success!!! We are so excited to have all 80 lbs of him enter the boat now on his own power!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Patty
mireille | 12th Jul 24
That is so cool! I enjoyed reading about Simba’s training! Sounds like all of the different parts in his training that day contributed to his success. I am glad it will be easier to enjoy boat rides now.
Patty | 12th Jul 24
Mireille, Thank you so much for such a nice comment about Simba’s journey – we are definitely enjoying him getting on the boat under his own “power” Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Patty
Debbie- Dabble | 13th Jul 24
Simba is so beautiful!!! Enjoyed reading about his training…Thanks so much for stopping by!! Glad to hear that you like the patriotic tablecloth that I have with dogs on it…
I hope you are having a great weekend!!
Debbie-Dabble Blog
Patty | 14th Jul 24
Debbie, Thanks so much for your sweet comment about Simba and his training. I’m so glad you enjoyed that post. I enjoyed visiting your website, and your wonderful Patriotic Decorations too. Have a blessed week. – Patty
Michelle | 14th Jul 24
I’m so glad Simba overcame his fear of getting the boat. You certainly had all the right elements in place to teach him that the ramp was safe. What an adorable dog!
Patty | 14th Jul 24
Michelle, Thanks so much for your kind words about Simba. We are so thankful that he can now get on the boat without fear! – Patty
Angie / Garden Feast | 14th Jul 24
Love a good training success! And Simba is such a cutie. Now you can all enjoy your boat rides together without fear!
Angie / Garden Feast | 14th Jul 24
Love a good training success! And Simba is such a cutie. Now you can all enjoy your boat rides together without fear!
Patty | 14th Jul 24
Angie, Thanks so much for such nice comments about Simba and his boat training! We are definitely going to enjoy boating more with his new boarding the boat skills. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! – Patty
Tina | 15th Jul 24
Yay Simba! Such a brave boy! I applaud y’all on your patience, many people would’ve given up. Enjoy your week!
Patty | 16th Jul 24
Tina, Thank you so much for your kind words about Simba, and for your encouraging words for the 4 of us who were working with him. That made my day! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, and have a wonderful week! – Patty
Joyce | 16th Jul 24
I’m happy you were able to work with him and get him comfortable getting on and off the boat. We have a Boykin Spaniel who would live in the water if we let him. His favorite thing is retrieving from the dock. He’s a little older now so we don’t let him ‘dive’ from the dock but have him just jump in without the running. He likes the boat but can’t relax as he spends most of the time trying to figure out how he can get himself into the water. He just wants to swim so we don’t take him on the boat too much. He also loves getting on the kayak when we paddle over to an island. There are lots of Goldens on our lake! So glad yours is enjoying it all now!
Patty | 16th Jul 24
Joyce, Thanks so much for your great comment. Your dog sounds like a wonderful lake dog! Its so cool that he loves the water, and retrieving from the water. I was at first surprised the he doesn’t love the boat, but it makes sense as he would far rather be swimming than boating. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! – Patty
Jennifer Wise | 16th Jul 24
Aw, good for him! This is so sweet.
I like your advice of “no agenda.” I think that can apply to many situations, both animal and human! Thank you for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #42 linkup. We hope to see you sharing more posts at #43, which opens next Monday morning. Have a great week. 
Patty | 17th Jul 24
Jennifer, Thanks so much for such a nice comment about my Simba post. Thanks too for your “shout out” to Simba. I will pass it on to him in the form of dog treats and hugs! I liked your insights on the “no agenda” being good for humans too! – so true. Thanks again for your hosting your “Will Blog for Comments” link party – I love linking up to it and appreciate all your work on it!! – Patty
Jennifer | 17th Jul 24
Aww what a sweetie. Such love and perseverance. I hope you have a wonderful week!
Patty | 17th Jul 24
Jennifer, Thanks so much for such a nice comment about the Simba boat training post, and for your praise for Simba. We really love him and his sweet personality! Thanks for taking the time to comment, and have a great day!! – Patty
Steph@Crazylittlelovebirds | 18th Jul 24
Aw, Simba did an amazing job! I loved reading about the training. It’s amazing what one can do when they overcome their fears. Featuring your post tomorrow at the party. Thank you for sharing your post with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #46.
Patty | 18th Jul 24
Steph, Thanks so much for such a nice comment for Simba! I’m so glad you like the boat training post! I’m so honored that you are featuring it tomorrow at the Crazy Little lovebirds Link Party. That means so much!!! Thanks also for hosting your party each week!! I appreciate all that goes into it!! – Patty
Michelle ayoub | 18th Jul 24
Way to go simba! I swear the bigger they are…!!! He is just so gorgeous! So nice to have wonderful neighbors to help out!!
Patty | 18th Jul 24
Michelle, I will pass on your praise to Simba, he loves compliments!!!! You are right – wonderful friends and neighbors are amazing!! Including you guys of course!!! – Patty