Tuesday, June 25

Happy Birthday (Star Stampz)

The challenge at Star Stampz is anything goes or floral.
On my card I've used a digi called Sunday Best.

Sharing my project with:
~AAA Birthday-birthday and cute
~Daisy Chain-birthday
~I Spy With My Little Eye-blooming lovely
~Craft-Alnica-use a stamp
~Pearly Sparkles-for the girls
~Send a Smile 4 Kids-for teens/tweens
~SheepSki Designs-anything goes
~Cupcake Inspirations-anything goes
~Pammie's Inky Pinkies-anything goes

Happy Crafting, 


Nora Noll said...

Such a fun image!! I love the background you created on your card. Thank you for playing with us this week at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge!!

DT Member
Cupcake Inspirations

Leanne said...

Such a pretty card, nice image and colors are great the background is wonderful too. Thanks for playing our challenge at Cupcake Inspirations. Have a great day!

Leanne DT/CIC

Vicki Dutcher said...

She's just a sweetie with her big blue eyes. Thanks for joining in at AAA Birthday

Helen said...

Super cute, Deanne - love it!

Thanks for another great DT card for the Star Stampz Challenge.

Helen x

Pat K said...

Very cute image on this pretty card Deanne. Thanks for joining us at Sweet Stampin. Pat K x

AndrejaM said...

Hvala, ker z zelo lepo voščilnico sodeluješ pri CRAFT-alnici

Jane said...

Mega cute and sweet little lady. Fabulous card! Thanks for playing at AAA Birthday, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe and keep crafting!

Claudia's kaartjes said...

Super toffe kaart. Helemaal leuk. Leuk dat je meedoet met onze challenge bij Pearly Sparkles Challenge
Great card, love it. Thanks for joining us at Pearly Sparkles Challenge
Creatieve Groetjes Claudia

Mijn FB groep: Claudia's Kaartjes
You tube:Claudia's Kaartjes
Blog:Claudia's Kaartjes
Challenge blogs:
Girlz Creative Christmas 
Girlz makes Guyz Cards
Girlz creative crafts
Creative sketchy girls
Girlz Rebel Challenge

Ellibelle said...

Such a cute card!
Thank you so much for playing along at "I spy with my little eye"!
Ellibelle's Corner

Maja said...

Preprosta, a lepa voščilnica. Hvala, da si se nam pridružila v CRAFTalnici, kjer sodelujem kot gostja izziva.

Goga said...

Zelo lepa voščilnica. Hvala za družbo v Craft-alnici. Goga

Pauline C said...

Very cute and pretty card. Thanks so much for joining in with this month’s I Spy challenge and my theme of “Something Blooming Lovely”.
Pauline xx

Jennifer Reece said...

What a sweet image and beautiful card! Thank you for playing along with us at SAS4Kids!

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