Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Waiting Word -y- less Wednesday

 Synchronized Waiting.

Waiting for what?  The Momster left us again to go do that Cat(aract) thing.  

To celebrate International Box Day, we are reposting an image from the past, courtesy of the wonderful Ann of Zoolatry.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Let's hop along the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus to see what else is happening.



  1. Mom will be home soon. You two are most adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. A hug to mom and scritches to you both. ♥

  2. Eyes got my eyes crossed for success for you ... paws too ...

  3. I have to agree that the box is not as comfy as a cushy bed. We send your mom lots of positive and healing vibes!

  4. Hari OM
    fabulous fur poses! Even the ones in boxes! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx (with some added POTP for mum.)

  5. Wonderful boxing, you two!!
    Sending lots of POTP for your Mom!!
    Rosy & Sunny
    PeeEss...We are well Northwest of the current NM fires(about 4 hours).We have camped in that area and it is so sad to think of the beautiful forest and the quaint town of Ruidoso being damaged or destroyed.

  6. Woos I hope Momster is home by now and all is well
    What great box top photos today
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Those are fun boxes, but I am sure your beds are better. I hope your mom is soon home with perfect eyesight!

  8. We are keeping our paws crossed that your mom's surgery goes well.

  9. sorry you are home alone and happy for mom to have two good eyes... hope she is home soon... tell her I love the floors you are laying on.. i told Beau i had no box, it would take a fridge box for him and for you too and here you are in a small box

  10. I'm sure your Mom did great and now she knows what to expect. Fun boxing you two!

  11. I do like your box photo, it was kind of you to pose just once.

    Lots of prayers for your mom's cat(aract) thing.

  12. Lulu: "Boxes can be fun, especially if they used to have food in them and you can shred them!"
    Charlee: "Or you could just sit in them like a normal person. I mean cat."
    Java Bean: "We send lots of tail wags for your Mom's surgery!"
    Chaplin: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"

  13. Good luck to your mom! It will be nice when the cataract stuff is done and dusted!

  14. happy box day... and hugs and potp to your mama...

  15. We used to post on box day when we had cats, but now we are catless and none of us are interested in boxes. Hope your mom's "cat" thing goes well.

  16. And The KHATS be gone!
    We hope Momster got a special treat!!

    PeeEssWoo: We got to 98 today -

  17. We had no idea there was an International Box Day! Why did no-one share this impawtant news with Us?


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