Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Veterinarian Sense of Humor (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     



Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher  and will appear on Elephant's Child's blog.

This week's prompts are:

  1. Discourteous
  2. Flicker
  3. Martini
  4. Whips
  5. Belly 



  1. Waving
  2. Frogs
  3. Moderation
  4. Smile
  5. Louring  

An additional prompt from Charlotte (MotherOwl) is to include Signal Green in your take on the prompts.

 Have fun.

He was still LOURING as he got out of the car and walked up the sidewalk to his house after work, the look on his face the result of what he considered DISCOURTEOUS behavior by another driver on the road on his drive home, but the expression began to FLICKER when he saw his daughter out in the front garden, and he actively softened to a SMILE when he realized she was partaking of her favorite pastime, playing with FROGS.

She was holding an enormous one now, both hands under its BELLY, peering closely at the webbing between its toes and saying, "Your webbing is starting to look dry, I'm going to put you back in the pond."

He could hardly hold back a laugh as she headed toward the pool of water which sometimes formed in a low spot in the yard which she called "the pond."  Her love of the creatures was famous through the neighborhood, and she was both solicitous with them and liked to "doctor" them, as she called it, reading everything she could about them, their habits, the different types, which were venomous, and even legends about them.

She'd even asked to have her room painted a Signal Green which she said went well with all her frog pictures.

Her mother didn't mind frogs much, although she'd never considered them playmates, but her father indulged her in her love of them and fondly figured he was being paid back for his boyhood shenanigans of catching them and WAVING them around as he chased his sister with them.

His sister, of course, wouldn't visit unless they reassured her there were none actually alive in the house when she came.

His daughter had stopped to let him give her a careful hug as she balanced her hands which were too full to hug back, and she headed for the water with her charge as he went in the house.  He'd been thinking about a MARTINI but he and his wife usually saved those for Friday nights - she believed strongly in MODERATION of most things and drinking once a week was enough for her.  His lingering smile over his daughter and her play made him decide to wait.

As he changed clothes, he heard his daughter come in and his wife calling to her to wash up for supper.  He walked out of the bedroom in time to walk with the child to the kitchen while she excitedly told him, "Mama has a pie and WHIPS!" her term for whipped cream on top.

He let go the last of his bit of irritation as he didn't want it to spoil this time.  And the "whips" were good, too.

(Loosely based on a girl who went to school with my children and loved frogs, she's now a biologist who studies wetland health through keeping track of frog population studies!)


A bonus for International Box Day, Abigail in a box.


Today is:

Asatru Alliance Founding Day -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan

Birthday of José Gervasio Artigas / "Never Again" Day -- Uruguay (Dia del Nunca Mas)

Butterfly Day -- an ecard holiday; if you know someone who loves butterflies, send an ecard, let them know you are thinking of them

Day of the Independent Hungary -- Hungary (a memorial day for those martyred in 1958, and for the end of Soviet occupation)

Festival for Minerva -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of arts, crafts, skill, war, and intelligence)

Festival of the Coming Ice Age -- can't find out anything about this one, but it sounds hilarious

Garfield the Cat Day (his birthday/comic strip premier)

International Box Day -- if you do not understand this one, you do not have a cat

Juneteenth -- US, celebrates the news of freedom on the day it came to slaves on Galveston Island, Texas

Labour Day -- Trinidad and Tobago

Midsummer's Eve -- many and varying traditions, with some celebrating the day before the solstice, and some always tying it to June 23, St. John's Eve

     Night of the Fairy Goddesses Aine and Finnen -- Ireland (watch out for the antics of the little people on Midsummer's Eve, whichever day you celebrate it!)

National Martini Day -- some sites specify a dry martini

New Church Day -- Swedenborgian Christian

Rusalka's Week begins -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar (week-long festival to honor the divinity of rivers)

Spooky Stories Appreciation Night -- because someone thought it would be a good night to tell a few scary tales

St. Boniface of Querfurt's Day (Patron of Prussia)

St. Jude's Day (Patron of desperate situations, forgotten/impossible/lost causes, hospitals, hospital workers; Saint Petersburg, FL, US)

World Sauntering Day -- origin unknown, but perhaps begun at Grand Hotel (Mackinac Island) in Michigan during the 1970s as a response by W.T. Rabe to a growing movement toward the recreation of jogging and the idea was to encourage people to slow down and appreciate the world around them; the rules are to observe the lost art of Victorian sauntering, discouraging jogging, lollygagging, sashaying, fast walking, and trotting, but no word on meandering that i can find!

World Sickle Cell Day   

Anniversaries Today:

Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, marries Sophie Rhys-Jones, 1999

Birthdays Today:

Zoe Saldana, 1978

Poppy Montgomery, 1972

Mia Sara, 1967

Andy Lauer, 1965

Aung San Suu Kyi, 1965

Paula Abdul, 1962

Kathleen Turner, 1954

Ann Wilson, 1951

Phylicia Rashad, 1948

Salman Rushdie, 1947

Elaine "Spanky" McFarlane, 1942

Gena Rowlands, 1930

Louis Jourdan, 1919

Pauline Kael, 1919

Pat Buttram, 1915

Abe Fortas, 1910

Earl W. Bascom, 1906

Lou Gehrig, 1903

Guy Lombardo, 1902

Moe Howard, 1897

Wallis Simpson, 1896

Elbert Green Hubbard, 1856

Charles H. Spurgeon, 1834

Blaise Paschal, 1623

King James I of England and VI of Scotland, 1566

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Batman Returns(Film), 1992

"The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"(Musical), 1978

"The Rocky Horror Show"(Musical), 1973

"Devil May Hare"(Cartoon short, Tazmanian Devil's premier), 1954

"I've Got a Secret"(TV), 1952

"Moon Mullins"(Comic strip), 1923

Today in History:

King Louis IX of France orders all Jews  found in public without an identifying yellow badge to be fined ten livres  of silver, 1269

The Earl of Pembroke's army defeats Bruce's Scottish army at the Battle of Methven, 1306

English colonists leave Roanoke Island, N.C., after failing to establish England's first permanent settlement in America, 1586

Emanuel Swedenborg reports the completion of the Second Coming of Christ in his work True Christian Religion, 1770

Battle of Seven Oaks between North West Company and Hudson's Bay Company, near Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1816

The first officially recorded, organized baseball match was played under Alexander Joy Cartwright's rules on Hoboken's Elysian Fields (Hoboken, New Jersey)with the New York Base Ball Club defeating the Knickerbockers 23-1; Cartwright umpired, 1846

Over two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, slaves in Galveston, Texas, United States, are finally informed of their freedom; the anniversary is still officially celebrated in Texas and 35 other states as Juneteenth, 1865

Maximilian I of the Mexican Empire is executed by a firing squad in Querétaro, Querétaro, 1867

After all of the Southern States are formally readmitted to the United States, the Confederate States of America ceases to exist, 1870

The Herzegovinian rebellion against the Ottoman Empire begins, 1875

The first Father's Day is celebrated in Spokane, Washington, 1910

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed at Sing Sing, in New York, 1953

Kuwait declares independence from the United Kingdom, 1961

In one of the first militant attacks by Hezbollah, David S. Dodge, president of the American University in Beirut, is kidnapped, 1982

Norway ratifies the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention of 1989, 1990

Prime ministers of several northern European nations participate in a ceremonial "laying of the first stone" at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Spitsbergen, Norway, 2006

The first full genetic study of house cats, published in "Nature Ecology and Evolution", reveals that they were domesticated about 9,000 years ago, and are all descended from one species, the African wildcat, 2017

General Electric is dropped from the Dow Jones Index, the last original member from 1907, 2018

Joy Harjo is named the first Native American US Poet Laureate, 2019

The United Nations adopts the first-ever legally binding international treaty to govern the high seas, called the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Treaty, 2023


  1. This is lovely. Well done to all those who can let irritation go, and focus on the positive.
    Love Abigail in a box too.

  2. That is a sweet story. I laughed at the sign in the vet's.
    Abigail is cute in her box.

  3. Haha clever one :-)

    Have a whiskertastic week 👍

  4. That was a fun sign to find. We have a veterinary office here who often puts up funny jokes about cats and dogs. Abigail looked perfect in the Box.

  5. Cats sure do love their boxes. Ours always played in new boxes and bags. Great sign at the vet.

  6. Children and cats always seem attracted to their boxes!

  7. That sign is really punny! :)

    And we loved the special Box Day photos. Have a great day, Mimi!

  8. Love the sign and the photographs. Cats and boxes.

    Love your use of the prompts. You do these so very well.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  9. I too enjoyed playing with frogs as a child.

  10. Fun sign and great photos of cats and boxes ~ and always great writings ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores ~
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Love the cat pun! i've always been fascinated by frogs, it's amazing that they start life as tadpoles!

  12. Oy vey 😹
    (That's my universal response to a good pun)

    Happy WW!

  13. How cool she ended up a biologist! And the whisker! Ha!

  14. Good on her! Frog girl for the win!
    Abigail found the perfect sized box, didn't she?

  15. (Pris cilla King)

    Thanks for the prompt to mention e-cards for people who love butterflies. I've been working off and on at a special State butterfly postcard collection at (paste in /collections/save_the_butterflies_postcards-119012566686365777 for a direct link) and also have a batch of butterfly images, which can be transferred to e-cards for any occasion, at Zazzle (paste in /collections/save_the_butterflies-119738737624002582 for the direct link). This is actually in aid of a campaign to protect endangered butterflies--profits go to the cause, not to me.

  16. I like that sign too! That was some story and way to go Abigail, that's some mighty fine boxing!

  17. Nice story and great box photos. XO

  18. Oona: "Every day shall henceforth be Box Day! Oona has decreed it!"

  19. Cats do love their boxes. Funny vet sign.

  20. Frogs? I don't care for them. But I like that the girl made a career of them. Good use of the Wfw prompts.

    Have a lovely day

  21. Oh what a nice story. Frogs are such enticng animals, and your storytelling is good an gentle, I like it very much.


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