Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
I am thankful that Brody’s blood pressure is good. He is still miffed at me for the road trip. And the ear meds.
I skipped the poem this week.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. I feel _____________ when I think of _______________________.
2. ________________________ is my greatest achievement.
3. I haven’t had much luck with _________ lately.
4. ________ is the time of day when I _________.
Such good news about Brody’s BP being good! Handsome kitty guy! XO
Thank you.
Wee are thanxfull Brody iss doin well Aunty Ellen! Yore lookin mitey hansum there Brody!
~~head rubss~~BellaDharma~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum
Thank you.
Hooray for the good blood pressure, And Brody we hope you’ll be patient with your Mom as she tries to get the medicine in your ears to make them feel so much better.
Yesterday we thought that both Rusty and Rudy made perfect sailors!!
Thank you.
Rusty and Rudy thank you. XO
Oh, Brody you are in good hands…do not bite the hand that heals you! Love your lasers….
Thank you.
I luv seein’ you Brody dear boy. Yer mom got a good picture of you.
Uck on the ear meds, but you be kind to mom when she attacks the ears.
Thank you.
He takes it well once I catch him. XO
I am thankful that Brody is doing better. XX
Thank you.
I am relieved to know Brody’s BP is good. Brody, the ear meds will help you. Be a good kitty and let mom put the medicine in your ears.
Thank you.
Good reports are always welcome!
Thank you.
Very good news! Hang in there, Ellen!
The Fill-Ins are looking interesting
Thank you.
I look forward to your answer. XO
Brody, the ear meds will be gone soon enough; you’ll forget all about it soon.
He hopes so.
YAY Brody!! and well done to Mom who gives you all such excellent care
Hugs Cecilia
Thank you.
Dearest Ellen,
That sure is good news about Brody!
Mariette + Kitties
Thank you.
You’re so handsome Brody. Be good for your Mom. The ear meds will make you feel better.
Thank you.
So good to hear Brody is well ~ Vet trip not high on my list either ~ be well ~ hugs,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thank you.
It must have been nice to get some good news. We are so happy that Brody’s bloodpressure is good.
Woos – Misty and Timber
Thank you.
That is a terrific thankful and hooray Brody, keep doing good! Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thank you.
Brody can be miffed all he wants, as long as he’s healthy.
Very true.
That’s wonderful news.
Thank you.
Yay Brody!
Thank you.
I’m glad Brody is doing well. He’ll get over the road trip. They always do.
Thank you.
Charlee: “Awww, Brody, don’t be too miffed at your mom. She is just taking good care of you. Of course that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t milk the situation for as many treats as possible.”
He agrees.