Wednesday, 3 April 2024

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Pandora's Purrfect Pose, Smooch's Supurr Sunspot, and Melvyn's Wearing This Weeks Top Pick Bandana

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up Spring Banner ©BionicBasil®

 Smashing Greetings Supurr Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

Happy April!

Great news, mew remember last week when we said Wriggles the Hedgehog had been seen, well... there's a new hedgling at BBHQ too, a baby who we've named Meep Meep.

We are still waiting to get a picture of Meep Meep, and we will try to set up the wildlife camera one day this week and see what they're getting up to after dark. 

It's been supurr weather the last few days, even though the forecast said it was going to rain, it didn't. And while Fudge was in the garden on Friday and checking one of the catmint plants on the rear patio, he spied this!!!! 

The Midweek News at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Ladybirds at BBHQ

At first he thought it was just one big ladybird, but no, it's two!!! MOL

Anyhoo, let's look at this weeks top news.

Spring Divider 2023 ©BionicBasil® Midweek News

First up in the news this week

Pandora's Purrfect Pose

The Midweek News at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Pandora's Purrfect Pose

It was glorious on Caturday, and while the P.A. was sweeping the rear patio, Pandora did a marvellous job of snoopervising from her purrch on the millwheel in the lavendar wall.

Spring Divider 2023 ©BionicBasil® Midweek News

Next up in the news

Smooch's Supurr Sunspot

The Midweek News at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Smooch's Supurr Sunspot

Smooch was also on paw to continue the snoopervising from his furbulous sunspot on the deck. He adores getting in the plant pots this time of year. In fact, we think he's got a bit of a pot obsession! MOL

Spring Divider 2023 ©BionicBasil® Midweek News

Finally this week

Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick

Mercats won the vote last week, and Melvyn was feeling so money supurrmarket modelling it. Just look at this pose! MOL

The Midweek News at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Modelling The Mercats Bandana

Just look at him,

Check out Melvyn's videos on your favourite social media platform and give him a like, or even better a follow:

Which one is your favourite this week? 

**Instagram was down when we wrote today's post, so there's no direct link to the video, but mew'll see it at the top of the page on our insta feed. 

Dandelion Divider.jpg

Which one should he model next?

Here's the brand new April collection, Melvyn picked four from his extensive bandana wardrobe.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® April 2024 Bandana Collection

The April Collection:

1. Mercats

2. Spring Garden

3.  Yellow Haze

4. Caticorns

Leave a comment with your top pick for next week!

Spring Divider 2023 ©BionicBasil® Midweek News

That's us done for today, Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew and if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:

Sunday Selfies

Stay Fluffy  ©BionicBasil® Midweek News

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Spring Divider 2023 ©BionicBasil® Midweek News

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Spring Divider 2023 ©BionicBasil® Midweek News
Graphics created with paid licence 


  1. That was a purrfect pose! Melvyn did a bang up job at the modeling, too. I'd love to see the caticorns next.

  2. How great that new hedgeling Meep meep is on the scene. We will be excited to see your photos. :)

    Pandora and Smooch, you look so good enjoying that rare sun. And Melvyn -- your bandana pose is especially epic this week. How about Yellow Haze next week? XO

  3. Nice to see Pandora and Smooch enjoying the sun. Good job on the modelling, Melvyn. I vote for the Spring garden for next week.

  4. Love knowing you have real Lady Bugs and they are mating. Some idiot years ago brought in Asian Lady Beetles and they have not done the "work" expected but have decimated our natural beetles. The B Team looks to be enjoying some sunny dry out side time!

  5. fudge….lookz like ya came upon a moe “mint”
    oh ….ooopz pleez beg my most humble…get
    a room pleez 😺😺😺💙💖💚 everee onez
    lookin pawsum awesum and melvyn we chooz caticorn ‼️‼️

  6. Yellow Haze!
    We are waiting impatiently for some more sunshine and warmer temps; it's still fairly brisk here.

  7. You're all so very photogenic and I love all your poses.

    I pick #4 for next week.

    Have a purrfect day and rest of the week. Scritches all around and a big hug to your wonderful Mom. ♥

  8. Marvelous sunlight pictures of Pandora and Smooch! Good work modeling, Melvyn! I like Spring Garden for next week.

  9. Great pose Melvyn. I like #4 for next week. XO

  10. All y'all look purrfect to me, but you always do! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. Before I forget we would go for number 3 it was a tricky choice we watched (mom & me) Melvyn on the cat walk super 😽 purrfect pose Pandora so floofy 😸 Smooch pawsome pot sitting 🌹 🌺 my goodness 🙀 2 🐞🐞 how wonderful. xx😽🐈‍⬛🐾

  12. So many kovely cats. I want to coudle with them


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