What miserable weather we have been having. Golf is just no fun when you are wet and cold. To cheer myself up I decided to take part in Beccy's Place Arpil challenge.
I have used one of the image and sentiment,from the 'Ruff Day' digital stamp set. The image was printed onto white card and watercoloured. The extra details were added with a pigment pen.
Also entering
613 Avenue Create: Anything Goes optional twist:dimond or pearls
Cardz4 Girls challenge: #222 Cute Animals
Thank you for your visit and hope the weather improves soon.
B x
It will make the recipient smile!
Jackie 613 Dt xx
Really awful that rainy weather, we're all waiting for the sun.
Enjoy your weekend,
Wishing you a sunny weekend! :)
and make sure ta cauz lotz N lotz oh trubullz 🐟‼️😺💙
Have a good day.
Kayla - 613 Avenue Create DT