Wordless Wednesday

Hi everyone. Before we get started, we’d like to ask for some purrs and prayers for our friend Lightning who is having multiple health issues.

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Welcome to another edition of Who Wore it Best? with Rusty and Rudy. We are a couple days late for April Fool’s Day, but these two are fools year-round.


or Rudy?


Today is C day on The A-Z Blogging Challenge. As you know, the theme is Christmas. C is for cards. I hang many of them and I put the ones with photos on them under the glass on our kitchen table.


Comedy Plus


and we join the Cat Blogosphere hop every day.





  1. Mee-yow Aunty Ellen…
    Wee think fore a ‘still’ foto Rusty did best.
    Fore an ackshun foto wee choose Rudy!
    We go vissit Lightning two!
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an (((huggiess))) BellaSita Mum

  2. We’re very sorry to hear about Lightning. Ahahaha both those foolish boys make laugh, so I say they both win. Nice card displays! XO

  3. Oh, this is so enviable. You are SO organized, Ms E, with your Christmas A to Z blogs! And those kitties may have other plans for their day…they both look a bit….perturbed. Nice hats though.

    1. Yes, they are not thrilled with posing. Thank you for the compliment of being organized. XO

  4. Rusty is a more serious Joker. Rudy fits the bill (as well as the hat). To me, it’s a draw.

    1. They both thank you. I bet you can come up with some good puns for these photos. XO

  5. Well you certainly caught Rudy at the right moment to show off his joker hat. Rust, not so much, as it appears he’s trying to take it off too soon, lol.

  6. Prayers for Lightning and hoping for the best. Both kitties are adorable but I think Rudy wore it best.

  7. Both look so cute, but Rusty’s pose is pretty amazing-it’s like he knows the camera is on him.

    P.S. We left our POTP comment on Lightning’s blog–for some reason, Blogger isn’t sending me notifications of posts. I swear, between WP and Blogger, I can’t decide which one dislikes me more. We’ll add Lightning to our prayer list and keep him and his pack in our thoughts. 💙

  8. We’re been praying for Lightning. We love him, his siblings and his wonderful mom.

    Rusty wore it best, but I don’t want to hurt Rudy’s feelings so I’m calling it a tie.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to all the kitties and a big healing hug to mom. xo ♥

  9. Lulu: “Given that Rudy is twisted up like a crazy pretzel, I think we have to give the jester award to him, right, guys?”
    Charlee: “What do you mean, twisted up like a pretzel?”
    Oona: “Yeah, that looks perfectly normal to Oona.”
    Chaplin: “Just because you dogs aren’t bendy doesn’t mean it’s weird when we cats do it.”

  10. Lots of prayers for dear Lightning and distant reiki healing energy hugs ~ Both your kitties are always adorable ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. While I marvel that both of them were tolerant enough to keep it on long enough for a pic, I’d have to say Rusty. 🙃

  12. The boys are doing a good job at “playing the fool”. 😹

    Sending purrs and healthy vibes for Lightening.

    1. I thought I had a photo of them, but I didn’t. I think the flash caused too much of a glare.

  13. Ah, but they are adorable fools. 😀 I was sorry to read about Lightning. Thank you for sharing. That is one gorgeous trio of doggies. As for cards, I’ve saved the ones you’ve sent, sweet Ellen. Blessings and hugs to you and yours.

  14. Thank you and all your blogging friends here for all the good wishes for Lightning. He gladly accepts all the help he can get.

    Both Rusty and Rudy did a good job, but we give a bit of an edge to Rusty.

    Mom loves giving and receiving Christmas cards but a lot of peeps don’t do it any more.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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