
April 3, 2024

(Almost) Wordless Sterling

The first thing most people notice about our adoptable buddy Sterling is that he's super handsome. But it doesn't take long for them to notice he also happens to be one of the sweetest, friendliest kitties ever!

In case you're wondering if Sterling's coat is as plush as it looks, the answer is a definitive yes. If you're wondering if he came down from that cat tree after these photos were taken, however, the answer is no. That's because he: 1.) was super comfortable, and 2.) knew we would be more than happy to pet him right where he was. Sterling LOVES being pet and getting attention from his human friends and gets along well with the other nice cats in his open room. He's about 2 years old, neutered, current on his vaccinations, and waiting at PAWS to find his happily ever after. Could that be with you?


Leah said...

Sterling, what a 😎 cool cat dude you are! A big round of purrs here for you to get a great home, soon!

Katie Isabella said...

Oh you scrumptious looking boy!

The Island Cats said...

Those gold eyes! Sterling is so handsome!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood ewe bee one hansum kitty and total lee chillaxed two😺
best fizhez two ewe and we hope yur in yur for everz bye
fry day and make sure ta take that perch with ya 💙‼️😺🐟

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

He is a very handsome boy.

NCSue said...

Oh my! Sterling is a beauty!
Thanks for sharing at

Sandee said...

He's most handsome. I know he's find a forever home soon.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

Eastside Cats said...

Gorgeous fellow!

catsynth said...

Aw, Sterling is a big ol' handsome boy 😻. His plush fur is gorgeous, and we can tell he's playful and outgoing in those photos.

Hope you're all doing well!
-CatSynth (Amanda, Sam Sam, and Big Merp)

pilch92 said...

Such a cutie. I hope he gets his forever home soon. XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Sterling, you are so darn handsome! I hope you get to go home really, really soon. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

What a sweetheart!!!

Rudbekia said...

Sweet funt sterling.

Three Chatty Cats said...

Sterling is gorgeous! said...

Handsome boy!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

You made us smile, Sterling, what a handsome boy you are😻Good Luck Pawkisses to find a furrever home soon🐾😽🍀

Danielle L Zecher said...

Sterling is very handsome! He reminds me of my sister's cat Severus. I hope he's adopted soon!