Well, we’ll start with this wordless ironing of papa’s jeans. It needs to be done correctly, n’est-ce paw?
My Yoda impersonation (for Comedy Plus, haha), and then
this…which “speaks” for itself, haha.
Have a wild Wednesday – walk, watch, wish, wangle, write, wander, maybe even get in a little waltz, or something wacky!
What a great Yoda impersonation, Loulou!
Oh, shucks, Ernie, you flatter me. Merci. Yoda, yoda, yoda…
Your ironing skills are much appreciated by your Papa I’m sure….and that’s a GREAT impression of Yoda! As for “Going Orange For Animals”….I am ORANGE/GINGER every day of the year so I’m ALWAYS against cruelty to animals….
Love and Hugs, Teddy
YES YES YOU ARE, you beautiful, big orange kitty! What a wonderful way to BE!
What sweet and funny poses for your mama and papa, Loulou.
Merci, Ms M…mama has…several…of them. As in maybe hundreds and hundreds, haha. She has been trying edit them for ages! Getting around to anything seems slower….
Love your Wild Wednesday portraits.
Merci, messymimi…love those M s, haha. Thanks for your visit.
The was the purrfect Yoda impression!
Well, it took a little help from my friend…
Angel Loulou, what a silly!
Oui, some days one just has to be kooky.
You do everything purrfectly, Loulou. I love your Yoda impersonation. It’s purrfect and you made me spew my coffee.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥
Ha ha, I’m sorry for the coffe spew but so glad you could have a laugh to start the morn!
Love your Yoda photo.
I love all your photos. XO
Merci, Ms E. And we LOVE yours. So many kitties to choose from, you sweet mama.
LouLou your yoda impression is the best

Merci, tabbies! We’re headed to you to find out about trout towne!