March 03, 2025



I've been reading the news on our 'puter.

You know I luv polka dots.

But I'm not sure . . .

Are those polka dots, or

bullet points?

March 01, 2025


My country tis of thee,
yesterday ~ I felt so ashamed of thee.


Three years ago this month, our country stood strong, together, in support of Ukraine against the aggression of Russia.  Yesterdays behavior, actions, and words by the two men elected to serve as President and Vice President of the United States of America brought shame, embarrassment, disgust and instilled deep fear among good and caring Americans.

Elected November 2024.  Sworn into office January 2025.  Awarded a "cabinet" of equally unqualified secretaries over the weeks since.  Appointing the unelected "X" man to do whatever chooses to do, whenever he wants, to whomever he wants.  This is kakistocracy (n): a government by the least suitable or least competent citizens of the state, the least qualified and the most unscrupulous.  Easy to check all those boxes.

Silence is not golden.  Not now.  Pay attention.  Every one of us has a voice.  Call, write your congressperson, your senator: local and federal.  Once, twice, again and again.  You may not yet have been personally impacted by what is taking place each and every day, but that day will come.  And in the "six degrees of separation" theory, there is someone, or more, in your circle who has been damaged already.  

Remember This:  
As of July 2023, the total voting age population in the US was: 262,083,034

Total number of voters for Trump, November 2024: 77,301,997

Approximate % of US citizens, over 18, who wanted Trump to be
President enough who voted for him:

That means approximately 70% did not vote for him.

There was no landslide.  There is no mandate.  Unfortunately, way too many "sat out" this election, and we are all paying the price for that negligence.  Too many more were swayed by mis-and-disinformation.  There's no easy fix now, no turning back the clock.  And no rest for the weary.  And no turning out, turning off the of news and information either ~ as exhausting, upsetting, angering and depressing as it may be, it is vital and critical to stay tuned in, stay informed.  Each of us has a voice, albeit small, but together it becomes loud and louder.  And it will matter.  

Those fighting in Ukraine should have all their tomorrows.

We fighting here in the USA should have all our tomorrows.

February 24, 2025


This is our table.  Mine Mommy was like really really fond of this table, we shared it every day.  She told me it was over one hundred years old.  That's more than me-and-her put together!  It was mahogany, all tongue and groove and pegs, no nails, can you imagine.  And it had lived in 4 different states with her, so it had done lots of traveling. 

I liked to lay under it.  I liked to lay on top of it.  We ate meals there (well, only me on very special occasions).  Mine Mommy did lots of worky-work stuff there.  And most importantly I did all my computer work and everyday blog posts there! 

So, like about a month ago, our table got a hurty, it got broked down near the bottom and since we are "small living" with not too many tools, even though she tried very hard to fix it, it was not to be.  We were sad.  But our story doesn't end there.

This old table is actually a game table, it folds in half.  So with the magic of wood glue, mine Mommy got it put together at the bottom and braced good enough, then folded it in half and put it carefully in a corner with a little antique lamp on it, and I promised with paws together never to jump upon it ~ knowing how fragile it was. I did pose once for this little photo of our half-table in its new home!


What now, no place to eat, no place work ... I am always purrpared, so I did post on my blog for some days as I always have many pictures ready ahead of time. You see there is still one more part of the story to tell, Chapter Two, if you'll indulge me awhile longer. 

Chapter Two.  Losing a table isn't really a big deal when it comes to life's everyday trials and troubles, we know that.  For close to a year, mine Mommy has had a less-than-good knee, and about this same time it turned into a very very bad knee.  I keep trying to steer clear of that cane she's hobbling around with while she (we both!) wait/wait to see the orthopedic!  The worst part, two parts: she's stolen my polka dot chair like 100% of the time so she can keep that knee up in the air, and she gets a little crabby lots of the time, too.  Sorry, Mommy, kitties tell the truth.  She yelled at me, "June, we can't do our blog, or pictures on the laptop.  Don't have a lap when one leg is high up and one leg way down, my lap is all off kilter. It took forever just to do this post explaining why you're not here posting, sigh."  

Off kilter? Purrsonally speaking, I've always suspected she was off kilter in most ways ...

Pawing on.  She did search our computer for a new table.  It had to be wood, like real wood.  And the right kind and color of wood, the right size, small, square-ish, sort of, to fit our small space, and of course: not cost to much.  We're small living as mentioned, with small wallets!  She did find one, but OMC, like everything else today: it's DYI, put it together yourself, oh dear.  And so it arrived, thankfully Mr.FedEx agreed to bring it up to the 16th floor (bravo!).  It took bad-knee-mommy 2-days to unbox it though, spread out the bazillion pieces and parts, give it her best shot at assembly: ha, ha, not to be.

And there it stayed.  For two weeks.  Other parts and pieces, out of sight, here/there, stacked up.  Sort of out of the way so as not to be trip hazards.  Me, it was fun to play hop-scotch in here.  Or mine Mommy would put toys in the squares and I'd bat them in-and-out. All the while she was searching for someone to come assemble it for us ... sitting there in my polka dot chair, one leg up, one leg down, being Miss Crabby A.. 

Life will be normal again.  I know it.  She knows it.  Even that table knows it will soon stand upright and tall!  I'll get my polka dot chair back.  Mine Mommy can sit there and together we can do Zoolatry blog posts.  She'll see the ortho and maybe he'll fix her broked-knee, will wood glue work I wonder?  

Meanwhile, don't plan to see me posting, or even visiting and commenting until we take care of these few things.  Sorry.  I'm just staying clear of that cane as she mostly watches the news and uses bad language at that one with the "red tie" and the "man in black with the chain saw" ... actually, thinking about this: chances of life being normal again any time soon aren't very realistic at all, I'm afraid.

Life will go on ... someday ... when my new table gets pawed together.