Welcome to Mondays Music Moves Me! The theme from a couple of weeks ago inspired today’s theme to build songs based on fiction/non-fiction people or historical events. I decided to use Biblical people and found three songs to share.
I love to tell the story;
’twill be my theme in glory
to tell the old, old story
of Jesus and his love.
So give me faith like Daniel in the lion’s den
Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence
Sometimes you gotta go, uninvited
Sometimes you gotta speak when you don’t have the floor
Sometimes you gotta move, when everybody else says you should stay
No way, no, not today
You gotta ask, if you want an answer
Sometimes you gotta stand apart from the crowd
Long before your heart could run the risk
You were born for this
You were born for this
I really liked the production by Reel1Studio but I used the above video because you can follow the song lyrics. Queen Ester was a woman of God with fire and passion who waited on His leadership at the precise moment for her people.
4M co-hostess are featured in my right side bar underneath the banner. The guidelines are simple. Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you (your choice)! To access the party, add your music post below, and visit others on the dance floor. Let the party begin!

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January is ending soon. Something new I want to try is giving a monthly birthday salute to any of you who celebrated getting another year older like our dance partners, Patrick from Adventures in Weseland (21st) and Mike at Golch Central (22nd) . Please let us know in comments if you blew out some candles this month. I dedicate this electric feel good song to these fellas and you!
The new year is already getting away from me. Up next on CAAC is another edition of Battle of the Bands this Thursday. Watch for it! Have a boogietastic week! XX
, Cathy

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These songs are all new to me. Good singers, all! And I really enjoyed Ester’s story video. Justin Timberlake is 43?
Well, I feel old now… 
Awwdorable picture of the horse and kitty, CK. Looks like they have a lot to talk about
Alan Jackson is fantastic, we like all his songs, Grandpaw has about effurrything of him, such a great voice and purrfect song for the theme
The other two were new to us, we didn’t know the story about Esther, but the video says it all huh
Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day

Three winners here! That one “Born For This”; is that part of a movie?
Yes, I think the video is from the film “The Book of Esther”. I haven’t seen it but this song is just beautiful. Thanks for joining the party!
Thanks for the shout out. Very nice songs. This was a cool theme.
Thanks, my friend. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Thanks for joining the party.
I can’t get to stacy’s site at all. I get Fatal error message.even when i clicked her link.
Thanks for letting me know. I didn’t have a problem earlier this morning but I tried again just now and got the fatal error message. I did a screen grab and sent it to Stacy via email. Thanks for letting me know.
Thank you for the Birthday cale and candles Yes I got all of them out on the first try
We no longer put the actual number of candles on our cakes for fear we’ll burn the house down. lol I hope your birthday was a good one, my friend. Thanks for joining the party!
AWESOME selections and variation on the theme. Oddly enough I went in a similar direction this week. I have the Alan Jackson album and it is one of my favorites. The selections on his album and simple, no frills, straight up hymns of the church. Well done my friend.
I was happily surprised when your post showed up in my inbox that you had gone the similar direction as me. That’s awesome!
Fabulous take on the theme. Love your choices and I knew about Mike Golch’s birthday, but not Patrick’s. Happy Birthday to you both.
Awww on the cutie pies out in the snow. Friends forever.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥
Thanks for visiting and for joining the party this week, my friend!
The connection to stacysrandomthoughts.com is not secure – I cannot get in to seeing her…. let me know if you know anything. Love ya… Marie
I am able to get to Stacy’s site but my browser warns me that her site is not secure, meaning you shouldn’t enter sensitive information like credit card or passwords that could compromise your security. The only info I leave on her site is the normal stuff like name (which I no longer use anywhere if I’m not in automatic), email address (I’m not using an alias for all sites I visit), and URL. However, if you don’t feel comfortable entering sites with this warning, even for known bloggy friends then I understand. I can leave that in comments for her. Maybe, she’ll know what to do to fix the issue.
Thanks for fixing my boo boo! Talk with you later I’ll send you an email… WHO LUVS YA MY FRIEND????? Meeeeeeeeeeeee I also did Aww Monday today too!
Take care baby girl!
No problem!
Thanks for this post. Interesting information.
Thanks for dropping by!
Yeah, Esther …also known as Hadassah … one of the most prominent organizations of Jewish women is named for her. Thanks for posting a song about her.
I’ve always liked her story, so amazing!
Wow, Loved Alan Jackson’s tune. Great day for it too! I never heard that one… thank you for the introduction, my friend. It’s chilly here, but guess what I’m doing.. taking down Christmas stuff. We finally had ours yesterday, but there’s one more next weekend too when my daughter comes in from Missouri! Can’t wait to see her. Hope all is well with you and yours and give that baby a smooch for me too! Tell Robin to give you one for me too!
HUGS, AND THANKS FOR THE TUNES… Superb!!! as always……….. 
Enjoy your time with the daughter and thanks for visiting, dear friend! xo
Those were terrific lyrics. Love the artsy cat and horse!
Those are beautiful choices. Esther was, as they say in today’s terms, a rock star.
Yes, definitely, Esther was a rock star!!
I liked your take on the theme. Esther is considered a great heroine in my religion to this day, and I danced to the birthday song of two of our participants. Alana ramblinwitham
I’m not a religious gal but I did like the Esther song. You have a beautiful soul, one that is religious but never pushes..that’s rare. Your faith will see you through to a 100 yrs old. Live the beauty you resonate especially thos happy dance song. The picture is very cute
Ahhh, you’re so sweet! I sure do appreciate your kind words and I really appreciate your visit today. Thanks for stopping by!
It’s been years since I read the book of Esther. I need to go back to do this. She was instrumental in the deliverance of the Israelites. I always loved the stories from the Old Testament. I need to go back to read them again.
Thanks for stopping by, dearie!
Nice choices. That is a great theme idea. XO
Ellen, it’s good to have your visit. I’m glad you enjoyed the theme and song selections. xo