Music Monday

 Today’s theme 

Songs inspired by fiction/non-fiction people or historical events

I’ll stick with history.  It’s one of my favorite subjects.

We start with the War of 1812


Some tragic times from the 1960’s and 1970’s


The early history  of rock music 


A tragedy on Lake Superior 


And this last one …when my daughter was in high school her Social Studies teacher built a whole lesson around the song.  The students had to identify all the events mentioned in the song.



  1. I see we had one alike here! Wow, you got a lot of them.. that's so cool! You have a great day my friend.... HUGS

  2. Very nice selections that bring back some somber days in our lives.

  3. It wasn't until recent years when I finally listened careful to the lyrics of Billy Joel's song that I then realized it was jammed pack with a lot of history. Anytime I hear the Battle of New Orleans ditty I think of one of my uncles. Fantastic song set, Robin. Have a boogietastic week!

  4. That's a great selection of pop songs. I was especially affected by the Don McLean and Gordon Lightfoot ones. Thank you for featuring them.

  5. These are great! Love each of these songs and the videos.

  6. Wow, what a fabulous take on the theme. Love them all.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  7. Loved them all. I didn't include the Billy Joel song because I figured you would - and I was right. Fun fact, I know someone who went to Kent State, although it was several years after the tragic event in Ohio.

  8. Fantastic playlist, Songbirdie💗Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞


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