Friendly Fill-Ins Week 400


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I used to dislike ________________ until _________________.
2. If it weren’t for __________________, I would never ____________________.
3. I find _________ very intimidating.

4. _________ gives me the inspiration to _________.
My answers:
1. I used to dislike cheerleaders until I met my niece’s college roommate. She is very sweet and they are still great friends.
2. If it weren’t for the occasional guest, I would never dust.
3. I find thin people very intimidating. I feel like they are thinking I am a lazy pig. 

4. My cats give(s) me the inspiration to get out of bed.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from January 2019. Angel KaTwo was posing with the free magazines I got from the library.

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  1. I am the same as you about #2. Dear hubby always decides to clean the ashes out of the bottom of the wood burner the day after I dust though, then everything is the same again or worse!

  2. Sweet Angel KaTwo and a lovely pile of fun magazines. I’m like you about dusting, I never have company, so I dust very seldom.

  3. Ellen what good fill ins.
    I agree about the dusting. MOL MOL MOL. It is a thankless chore. You finish the room, turn to leave and it is dusty again.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Pawesome fill-ins, and we’re a bit slack with the dusting too, in fact, mew should have seen the epic cobwebs in the catservatory the other day, we were sure Shelob (from Lord of the Rings) had moved in! MOL Happy Friyay to mew all, and we wish mew a totally terrific weekend!

  5. Charlee: “You’re one up on us, we have the occasional guest but Mama and Dada still don’t dust!”
    Chaplin: “Good thing, too, since I like to eat cobwebs.”
    Lulu: “Weirdo.”

  6. 1. I used to dislike lobster until tried lobster bisque.
    2. If it weren’t for discipline, I would never do my morning walks.
    3. I find hateful people very intimidating.
    4. A good nights sleep gives me the inspiration to get my chores done.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. xo ♥

  7. I was blown away by Sandee’s great answer to number 3. I turn from hateful people instantly and leave. I don’t care what they think. They SURE don’t care what anyone else thinks.
    I used to dislike kosher dills until I tried one again after years. Durned good. Have a jar in the fridge now. Sandee’s answer to the second question is mine as well. Sometimes it takes real tooth gritting to do what you have to do! Well gosh, may as well answer the first too. I have to copycat Sandee again. Same here.

  8. I don’t like to dust either.
    Angel KaTwo has the cutest red brick colored nose and beautiful eyes. Z Cat’s nose was like it. I enjoyed your Fill-Ins, Ellen. Always learning new things.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. I used to dislike crab cakes until I discovered Robert Duvall’s Mom’s crab cake recipe.
    2. If it weren’t for the need to eat and go to Doctor appointments, I would never go out into traffic again.
    3. I find too peopley social situations very intimidating.
    4. Photo blogs give me the inspiration to get out there and click some pictures.
    Have a good weekend, Meowing Crew!

    1. Thank you. And thank you for these great answers. I can’t deal with traffic either. And I am with you on #4. Have a nice weekend. XO

  9. Cute picture! Love your answer to #2. Dusting makes me sneeze, so I don’t do it LOL.

  10. Excellent fill-ins. Mom loved #2. When she was a kid, she had to dust the house everyday after school. She hates it too, and it is not housekeeper Chris’s favorite chore. With tons of cat litter dust, our house always looks like we live in the dessert. MOL! I guess we need to have company more often. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

    1. How lucky you are to have a housekeeper. Sorry your mom had to dust every day as a child. XO


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