"Lynn, are you going to read to me during leg time? I love a good story about great cats."
"Homer's Odyssey" is one I bought when I first found
out about Homer. Don't remember how, actually.
I usually do not buy books, but when I saw this
one I just knew I'd enjoy it.
And there was also a blog for him that got
updated fairly often.
I just found this non-fiction that is about 5 of
Gwen's cats. I enjoyed it a lot. My library
had it displayed one day.
This one is her only cat fiction book she wrote
after Homer died also. It is a fun story told
through the eyes and ears of a cat, instead of
a human.
I read all the time it seems. Winter brings
out the reading in me even more.
"We kitties must come over in the stories as the bestest
and the smartest. Otherwise, the book would just be
"I have not been in my catio fur a month of Sundays. I
kinda furgot about it and only look out there when the herd
is beatin' down the door fur apples. But Lynn is not a
happy camper. Furst it was too bitter cold to go out. She
even took the bird baths down 'cause she wouldn't go out
with a hammer and hot water ev-furry hour. So no walks.
Now we have the floods, so the birds got the water but
still no walks. Me, I just sleep and dream."
Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.
Precious, winter is the perfect season to curl up with good books, and if they feature wonderful cats, so much the better.
We are having freezing rain now, our second night and day of it. I would rather have snow than this treacherous stuff. C'mon, Spring!
As you probably know already....I don't read
books...book..books that is..pages and pages
of words...words and more words...Why..?
Patience..or lack of it..illustrated stories are fine,
at least l have a picture/photo to relate to..! :).
HeHe! Lynn..I'm on the sixth story of John's book,
l'm finding them interesting to read, and as there
short stories, l'm o.k. with that...! :).
HeHe! Sleep and dream...I know l should have been
born a cat...Bless! :O)x
🌷🌸🌷 🌷🌸🌷 🌷🌸🌷 🌷🌸🌷 🌷🌸🌷
And I see absolutely nothing wrong with sleeping and dreaming, dear Precious! Sleep and dream your weekend away, I say.
Willie, I just started the first one yesterday and have not finished it yet but I will this weekend.
That looks like a lot of good reading there!
It seems to be raining a lot in a lot of places!
The Chans
They look interesting. I expect you've read 'A Street Cat Named Bob' and 'Dewey the library cat'. Both amazing books.
Precious...x my momma has read those books too. I hope your mom reads to you. Yes..it is hard to bear for our mom's and dad's and us when the weather is being so grouchy. But that will go away in a few weeks...and the catio awaits...vishus deer will be by all the time and birdies will be there for you. Mom's will be able to take a walkie and all will be well.
Precious and Lynn I adored Homer's Odyssey. When it was first published, I met Gwen Cooper at a book reading here in Raleigh. I love her writing and even loved her reading and expression more. Wonderful. Homer was Gwen's protector for sure
I also read Dewey the Library Cat.
Hugs Cecilia
Yes! I enjoyed them both.
How wonderful you met her!
Good books. We need to read Homer's Odyssey.
precious, homer's storee iz epic lee awesum....we red it two de
food gurl and we all N joyed it :) ....way bak in de dayz oh yore...
lotz N lotz oh catz waz friendz with homer on de catster site ~~~
good timez ♥♥♥♥
For a very funny - and good - cat book try "Kitty Cornered" by Bob Tarte.
Oh I do love a good cat book myself Lynn!! I had not heard of those ones so I shall add them to my list & look to see if my local Library has them. The Street Cat Named Bob series were one of my favourites & I found Dewey the Library Cat in an Op Shop. I also have a book of cat poems called I could Pee on this!!! Very funny & some of them are - unfortunately - relatable 😉
I do hope the weather improves soon for you - we have slightly cooler temps for 2 days now & it is Oh so much more bearable. Wishing you both a wonderful weekend - stay warm!!! x0x
Brody wishes he could keep you company. I read the 1st book about Homer. He was an amazing kitty. XO
I love Gwen Cooper's books! Winter does seem to be dragging this year, doesn't it?
Gwen is a wonderful author and a super nice lady too!
Dearest Lynn and Precious,
Wish I had time for reading more but I probably never get all my books read. A kitty book is on the way...
Today I did walk with my wheelchair (using it as a walker and sitting in it to res!) because the weather was so warm at 77°F. Yesterday it was also lovely at 78.8°F but we were invited to lunch at friends and Pieter had to check out some accordions if they were playable.
So our nap time got postponed and no walking.
Mariette + Kitties
Cold followed by floods is not a fun combo, I hope your weather improves soon, especially so you can go in the catio.
Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!
A good choice of books, I see, though what a person could have to write about with only five cats, I don't know. And I hope the weather improves soon (spring?) so Precious can enjoy the catio.
I hope your weather soon improves so you can enjoy your catio again. Ours has been lousy too with gales and floods. The last couple of days have been dry at last which will hopefully last until Wednesday.
I have got Homer's Odyssey, and also the Dewey books.
That sounds like a lovely read. We must get Mummy to read to Us too. A great way to pass a cold, rainy day!
Thank you for the excellent book recommendations! Books about cats and animals are always so fun to read! I can't get over how much my kitties look like you, Precious! Same eyes, fur, everything! Many blessings to you both during this winter season of relaxing, dreams, many naps, and good books!
These books look wonderful. I must find them for my cat-loving friends and family!!
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