Monday, January 22, 2024

Don't Hold Back the Music #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday and it's time for music.


It's time for Music Moves Me.

Let's introduce the Music Moves me bloggers:  We blog about music each Sunday or Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please! Otherwise, your post may be removed, or may  be labeled "No Music".  Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and, last but not least, ME.

Today, our theme is "You Pick Your Own Theme".

How about some random music I haven't heard in a while?  And one song I have heard recently?

1982's A Flock of Seagulls - I Ran.

Also from 1982: Duran Duran - Hold Back the Rain.

One more from 1982, a great music year, with The Fixx - Red Skies.

Simple Minds - All The Things She Said, from 1985.  This song is intensely personal to me, as you will see if you read this 2016 post.

Finally, a recent song I heard again just the other day.

Shinedown - Daylight, from 2022.

Tomorrow, I plan a tribute to Mary Weiss, lead singer of the Shangri-Las, who died January 19 at the age of 75.  I welcome you to join me again tomorrow for more music.

And that's a wrap.

Join us again next week for more music.


  1. ...I must have been asleep in the '80s, I don't remember any of this.

  2. Good choices today. Looking forward to your Mary Weiss tribute.

  3. Alana,

    I haven't heard the song "I Ran" in a long time. Duran, Duran's song isn't really ringing a bell, as I thought it should. "Red Skies" and "All The Things She Said" I totally don't remember. It didn't come as a surprise your final selection was a new one. I enjoyed listening to the tunes that move you this morning. I'm happy that my Internet is still on so that I could swing by to dance with you. :) Have a boogietastic week and keep warm, my friend! xo

  4. Oh well blogger is being a Pain in the neck will not let me log in.
    besides that great tunes my Music is up as well.

  5. Great retro tunes really enjoyed them 💜💜💜

  6. Ah Duran, are really taking us back!!

  7. Oh, the memories! I almost feel like my twenty-something self again listening.

  8. Great tunes. bologger/google is being a pain in the neck not keeping me logged in except in my maik go figure

  9. Great 80s songs. I read about the flood and even though it is cleaned up, the memories linger. Thank you for sharing

  10. I used to really love Simple Minds so I was quite surprised I didn't remember the song you posted. Once I played it, I did. It's funny what sticks and what doesn't.Lyrics of one song does, a whole song doesn't...

  11. Girlfriend, I must say you're a lot more uptodate then I am... great tunes... get me up to date girlfriend... hahhaa Have a great week! Thank you!

  12. As always, your music post brings back many (mostly happy) memories.


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