Friday, March 14, 2025

It wuz Thurzday

 so win dee mum left dee houze yesserday to forage fur foodz, i wazza on dee bed(OTB) hazzing my afur breakie nap,  all wuzza quiet.

win dee mum returned wif all dee foodz, she saw dis an i wuzza MIA.

while dee mum wuzza gone, there wuzza a big BOOM, BOOM(owt go dee lites, well dee lites dinit go owt) as i wuzza currently UTB an it took me a good half an hour to come owt afur dee mum gots home.  so all my zenning and rebalancing ovva my chee wint owt dee winder.  afur hazzing sum lunch and visiting dee laydeez room, i had to go BACK into my zen den fur sum more meditashuns till dee sun wint down. izza all to much!


Thursday, March 13, 2025

Trooder A-Lert!

 soo dee mum hadda dee heatie/coolie guy ofur fur maintenance.  i wuzza scared into dee ofur bedroom closet den hideowt fur hours on toozday!!!  i wuzza finally released later to further inspect my houze!!!

i hate win my daily schedule izza innerupted!  so wenzday wuzza berry stormy!  wind gusts bloo 50 mile purr hours! rain purred down in sheetz an wuzza berry cold!!!  wuzza all ok cuz afur toozday, on wenzday,i hadda gain my equail librium and spend sum time inna my zen den(dresser drawer) fur dee afurnoon to rebalance my chee afur dee introoder alert toozday.  dis morning dee full moon set thru dee clouds to a berry soggy gidgy werld.  dee mum haz to forage fur dee foodz today, hoping dee storm haz past.

the lunar eclipse will be visible across North and South America starting Thursday, March 13, and continuing into Friday, March 14,

On the evening of Thursday, March 13, the moon will transform into “a crimson orb” as it passes through Earth’s shadow, according to NASA.

In California, the total lunar eclipse will start late Thursday night and end in the early hours of Friday morning

Monday, March 10, 2025

Wat to do?


Deer orinj menace, yoo r not dee king,yoo stoopid sheet head, yoo r not dee king I know dat cuz dee mum is dee queen and i yam dee princess and yoo r not my dadderz! dat izza boo sheet,  go back an crawl inside dat orinj hole that yoo came owt ov and take dat skanky muskrat with yoo!

pee ess:  yoo r not dee chosen wun e-ther, god izza not mentioned eben wunce in the consteetooshun!  

be aware peepullz!!! the revenge tour continues--->

Calif. congressman infuriates locals with response to Yosemite cuts 

Fired CFPB chief says Musk may have another goal for gutting the agency  

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an independent agency of the United States government responsible for consumer protection in the financial sector.  Musk has fired almost all the employees, so if your credit or bank card gets used illegally, you are now S.O.L.

Dow falls by almost 900 points in market rout after Trump says he won’t rule out a recession  

Ontario premier threatens to ‘shut off electricity completely’ for US if trade war escalates  

GOP lawmaker says Republicans in his district aren't happy with Trump's handling of Russia and Ukraine