Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. I am thankful to you all for the purrs and prayers for Joanie. She thanks you too. This is her feed me pose. I decided to try some Pepcid and that seems to be helping ( knock on wood, 3 times).
Typhoid Mary was very happy to get her purple furby.
We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day. And here is the photo prompt provided:
Santa forgot to beware of cookies when in a liberal state. *
Instead of a nibble, he ate every one on the plate.
The elves found him in a pile of gifts, passed out,
they delivered all the rest so he wouldn’t lose his clout.
*My state is liberal and legalized marijuana which irks me. And in certain company, I do ask before taking a cookie.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. I’ll be ______________ for Christmas.
2. I am eager to see ____________open his/her gift.
3. ‘Twas the night before Christmas and I _________.
4. I _________ the day after Christmas.
Oh that is great news that the pepcid is helping Joanie! Love the picture of her with the crossed paws! XO
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Love your Out Cold Santa poem!! Yes we have the same problem here…and Pot shops are as common as donut/coffee shops! Sheesh!
Good thing that T.M. was thrilled with her gift…bravo for you for finding it, too, apparently those are rare?
POTP in huge amounts continue for Joanie.
If I recall, Minko also got that same Pepcid. He got that in the morning, and he got Prilosec, in the evening. (The tablet, 10mg, which is half of the ordinary original pills.) Vet suggested things be given at those times, since the Prilosec works longer term than the Pepcid. I think he got 5mg of Pepcid. Sheesh it seems so long ago already, Minko became an Angel in June of 2017. He got prednisolone, too.
Thank you. Same here, our small town has 3 pot shops.
The purple furbies were hard to find, orange are everywhere.
Thank you for the POTP. I do remember Minko needing it. XO
YAY for the pepcid! I know how you feel, Joanie, but eating again will help you so much. Hang in there, beautiful Joanie. Your mama is the best doc on earth.
Thank you. 🙂 I wish I was a vet. XO
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Wonderful poem – we love it and you’re smart to ask before taking a cookie!! These days you never know what to expect. Joanie – hope your tummy is better with the Pepcid and please keep eating so you will feel better OK? OK!!!!
Hugs, Teddy
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Sweet Joanie, you stay on the path of recovery and eat well so that Santa will bring more gifts for you.
Precious loves her silvervine. I had just bought a new Banana and it must have been on the shelf too long as she did not react to the catnip in it at all. I dumped it mostly out, added the silvervine and she’s bonkers over it. I will find a source for it. Thanks again.
Brody and I are glad she is enjoying the silvervine. We got it at Chewy. XO
She thanks you. XO
I am glad the Pepcid is helping Joanie. That is a fun poem.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
That is great news pepcid is helping Joanie. That is a cute poem and you never know what to expect these days.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
LOL “special” cookies … ha ha haha
Joanie feeling better? THAT is wonderful news!!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
We’re glad the Pepcid is helping. Your poem is hilarious!!!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Chaplin: “Whoa, looks like Santa got into the eggnog agai—”
Charlee: “SHHH! He’ll hear you!”
Lulu: “We’re glad to hear Joanie seems to be feeling better! We send lots of tail wags for it to continue!”
Oona: “And Oona and the other kitties send purrs!”
Thanks for the tail wags and purrs for Joanie. XO
Joanie is so cute! Glad she is feeling a bit better. <3
Thank you. XO
Stoned Santa! Oopsie…
Purring for Joanie.
Thank you for the purrs for Joanie. XO
so glad you are feeling better Joanie ~ time soon for Santa ~ Xo
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thank you. 🙂 XO
I hope Joanie is doing well and that the Pepcid is helping.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Grate poe-em Aunty Ellen!
MaryJuana iss leegal inn Catnada an wee due not like eether. THE Skunk Weed that Peepss sk inn our hallway iss dissgustin! Makess mee wanna throw up! BellaSita two!
BellaSita meowss “At leest smoke THE REEL Weed!!” (Mee thinkss shee has a point!)
An shee nevurr eatss anything without checkin if sumthin iss inn THE Cookie or Brownie 😉
***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum
That skunk smell is awful. XO
Such great news about Joanie eating! Excellent idea with the Pepcid, Ellen. Prayers and fingers crossed that her appetite stays good.
Lucky TM with her Furby!
Thank the heavens for the Elves!
Thank you. XO
It ain’t only liberal states : Ohio has legal marijuana too.
I did not know that.
Love your clever poem! Happy Pepcid is helping Joanie. When Fiona had her CKD we were supposed to giver her Maalox. Most if it ended up on the kitchen walls. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh
Thank you. 🙂 I am lucky Joanie is cooperative with meds. XO
Pawrayers fur Joanie! We hopes the pepcid continues to help.
Your little poem about Santa made us chuckle 🙂
Thank you for the prayers. Glad you like the poem. XO
Hooray, we’re glad the pepcid is helping you sweet Joanie. Nice thankfuls and a fun poem too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
I’m praying for Joanie.
It ain’t cool to slip Santa a micky! Heeheehee!
Thank you for the prayers. XO
Adorable poem! Same here in VT, not surprisingly…
Thank you. 🙂
Glad to hear Miss Joanie is responding to the Pepcid. Well done, Mom.
Thank you. XO
Oh, I wish you and yours all the best in health, prosperity, and joy. Hugs, my dear.
Thank you. And I wish the same for you. XO
Thank you. XO