Thursday, December 07, 2023

Able to thread a needle!

Welcome to week 459 of Free Motion Mavericks. I don't have any FMQ, although I've been thinking about it and practicing my designs on paper. The results of that effort will be for next week's post. This week I'm so grateful to be able to thread a needle and do some embroidery. It's going to keep getting better from here 😊 

Adding orange stitches

I haven't been able to thread a needle in over a month. Surprisingly enough, threading my sewing machine (my Jag) was not a problem. I think it's because the sewing needle hole is straight on. So before my eye operation, I was able to work on my niece's t-shirt quilt. The weekend after my operation, I tried to thread a needle. At first I used a small needle threader but eventually I didn't need it! Yeah!!!

This piece was already about half done and I got it finished this week.

Playing with orange fabric and thread

This is the green fabric and thread play from March. I believe that this exercise was part of the 2023 Sketchbook Summit. We were supposed to play with paint, but frankly, I'd rather play with fabric. I used a variety of hand-dyed fabric and different embroidery thread combination to see how they look on the various colours. I also mixed different colours of embroidery thread together to see what that would give. I learned this in the workshop with Katherine Diuguid (see link in Related links below). It can be quite effective, but you have to look pretty closely at the stitching.

Playing with green fabric and thread

These samplers are attached to my Upcycled Traveller's Journal. I hope to make a few more colour studies. 

Upcycled Traveller's Journal

Learning Hardanger

I saw a lovely tree ornament from Epida Studios and just needed to make it (and learn Hardanger embroidery). I've been following the tutorials and am sort of getting the hang of it. It's far from perfect but it's very cool. I don't think that I'm using the correct size of fabric but that's what I had, so there! 

Future Hardanger tree ornament

I'm using a large #5 perle cotton in dark red and then a #8 thinner green. I used a FriXion pen to help me keep lines straight. That will just iron off once I'm done.

Learning Hardanger embroidery

What I learned
  • I'll be making more colour studies eventually. They are easy to make and stitch. Very meditative😊
  • Once I finish the sampler, I'm hoping to make a small tree ornament in Hardanger.
  • Hardanger is traditionally made all in white but that would be even harder to see, so I'm going modern at this time!
  • I have figured out that doing Hardanger during the day really helps me see the stitches and fabric better.
  • My eye is getting better and every day I can see a little more. It sure made me grateful for sight, colours and life!
Related links
Linking parties

Free Motion Mavericks

We have a couple of cool quilts from Sandra at mmm quilts. The first is a baby quilt version of Sunset Strip. Sandra just released her new pattern. It's really gorgeous and very versatile. Look at all of the FMQ on this baby!😍

Baby quilt version of Sunset Strip

This next quilt is from another of Sandra's designs - Grace. The quilting is straight lines in the half heart, and feathers in the background. I'm sure that it will bring comfort to the new owner.

Grace pattern design by Sandra 

It's now your turn!


  1. Je suis contente que ton opération se soit bien passée, et que tu recommences à bien voir. Enfiler une aiguille, ce n'est pas rien, bravo !!
    J'aime bien tes points oranges, et verts. Bonne idée de mélanger des brins de couleurs différentes ! Bravo pour ton hardanger aussi, et son côté moderne, rouge c'est plus joli que blanc sur blanc ;))
    Merci pour le partage !

    1. Merci beaucoup Frédérique. Ça été un commencement tranquil mais finalement ça avance. J'ai fait du FMQ et ça c'est bien passé :-) Bonne semaine, bises

  2. Glad your eyes are getting better. You've got some fun projects in the works. Those color studies are really cool looking.

    1. Thanks so much Kate. Things are progressing well. Tomorrow is my 2 weeks check up in town. Hopefully the doctors will like what they see :-) Take care.

  3. Yay for threading the needle!!!
    The green and orange pieces are beautiful!!

    1. Thanks Alycia. Not an easy thing to do at the best of times :-) I finally got to do some FMQ. I'm really happy.

  4. I like your "modern" hardanger sample. Glad your eyes are improving, for us creatives, not being able to view what we are fashioning would be so difficult!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Thanks Terry, I tried replying at the email you left but it didn't go through. Thanks for you encouragement. I haven't had the nerve to cut into the hargander threads yet. Maybe one day :-)

  5. Wow! Love the hardanger! It looks so detailed, but makes a big impact. Love your color studies and learning all kinds of new things. It is good for us all and inspiring to me.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment! I hope that I'll have the energy and courage to finish up the hardanger. Cutting into that fabric is very intimidating, so I plan on making a few blocks on a scrap piece and cutting to see how it goes!


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