A Peacock Block

Yes this NYB block is called “Peacock”


So is the Australian Peacock a bird like ours my searches did say they have them.

330 Australian Peacock Images, Stock Photos, 3D objects ...or is it something a Peacock Spider?  I don’t know which it is named after.

Here is the wall so far


And here is the quilting on Arkansas Traveler from the last several nights with the lights dimmed to show the quilting design more – linking to Wendy’s Quilts and MoreConfessions of a Fabric AddictAlycia Quilts


And that is all I have for today.  It was a day of small household chores, PT and general this and that and nothing!  I hope to get more Xmas boxes in the house (stored in the workshop) and get more decorating done and a haircut and a little shopping – we will see what actually gets done besides the haircut.


Green Fairy

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12 comments… add one
  • Kate Dec 8, 2023 @ 6:37

    The deep blue of your Peacock block is really striking. Hope you can get to your holiday decorating, I’m past that into the present wrapping stage. Happy stitching this weekend.

  • Linda at Texas Quilt Gal Dec 8, 2023 @ 7:14

    Peacock is very pretty – love the look of it as part of the center with the other blocks. Wow the quilting on AR Traveler is gorgeous!
    Hope you enjoy your busy day! We thought we were meeting our daughter and family for ice cream tomorrow, but they had a party to go to instead, so we are “free” for the weekend and hope to get some Christmas decorating done as well as finally get into my sewing room.

  • Diann@LittlePenguinQuilts Dec 8, 2023 @ 7:39

    That is a fun, bright block! Prettier than the actual peacock, I think. 🙂 Have a great day! I got my tree up last weekend, and have been enjoying its lights this week.

  • Vicki in MN Dec 8, 2023 @ 8:41

    Oh wow the end is in sight on AT, won’t be too long now!

  • Wanda Hanson Dec 8, 2023 @ 12:05

    I think it must be the Peacock bird rather than the spider that it is named for. That is interesting the way the center is designed.

  • Jenny Benton Dec 8, 2023 @ 13:33

    Peacock spider, ugg! They have strange wildlife indeed in Australia. Since all the other blocks are name after native wildlife, I imagine its same for the spider. Peacocks are not native to Australia, we even have some here in various parks and zoos.

  • Penelope Devine Dec 8, 2023 @ 15:00

    Hi Karen,
    Your blocks are all coming together beautifully.
    I am Australian and have not heard of or seen a peacock spider even on a stamp. I have lived in three states: New South Wales, Victoria and now Tasmania and in all states the Peacock bird is popular to view. I would think if there are no other spiders in the book it would represent the bird.

  • kelly higgins Dec 8, 2023 @ 19:38

    LoVe seeing your quilting up Close Karen. My quilting frame is nearly done and im Itching to get a quilt top loaded onto it 🙂

  • kelly higgins Dec 8, 2023 @ 19:45

    ps, we have peacock spiders Lots of them, mainly in the southern states but Peacock Birds are not native and were introduced :))

  • Michelle Dec 9, 2023 @ 7:21

    I can see why this block is named Peacock. It kind of resembles upright feathers. The peacock spider is a showy little thing. LOL!

  • Kathleen McCormick Dec 9, 2023 @ 8:23

    Love the peacock block and the bird…the spider not so much. It seems to me you have gotten quite a lot done! I was in a stalled mode, but finally got back to sewing yesterday.

  • Alycia Quilts Dec 10, 2023 @ 10:20

    Love that peacock block -t hat will be a fun quilt!
    Your Arkansas Traveler is amazing~!!
    Love the quilting!

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