Thursday, December 7

Merry Christmas (FarmQuest Country Christrmas)

The new challenge is posted at FarmQuest Country Christmas. It's "always anything country Christmas/Holidays goes". Check the challenge blog to get some ideas of what we're looking for.

I recycled an old Christmas card and added some clear glitter to the house eaves, highlights on the trees and yellow glitter to the lights in the windows.

Sharing my project with:
~FarmQuest-farmhouse or country light (lights in the windows)
~Girlz Creative Christmas-snowy landscape
~Peace On Earth-anything Christmas
~Sunday Songs and Rhymes-poem inspiration
"Winter swirled...whitened world
...silver skeins in the lanes
...frost...on window-panes"
~Monday Greetings Challenge-any Christmas greeting
~Use Your Stuff-shine bright
~Shopping Our Stash-whatever the weather

Happy Crafting, 


Darlene said...

Such a beautiful image and you've added just the right amount of sparkle! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Four Seasons & Peace on EArth Challenges! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back again soon.

Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B

Becca Sadler, owner and manager of HQCB and FQCB said...

Deanne: Thanks for creating a warm and cozy wintery Christmas card and being part of FQCCCB design team!

Tee said...

Love the hanging ice cycles and warm glittery glow from the windows! Beautiful card.

Ilonka said...

What a beautiful card, thanks for sharing it with us at the Girlz Creative Christmas Challenge Blog.
Ilonka DT

Tone K. said...

Absolutely beautiful card! :)
Thanks a lot for joining us at Let`s Craft and Create :)

Kelsey Thomas said...

This is pretty! Thank you for playing along with The Outlawz Monday Greetings Challenge!

Ellibelle said...

Love how this turned out! The sparkle looks absolutely fabulous, you made it come to life with it! I have a stash of old cards too that I hope to turn into handmade cards one day!
Thank you so much for joining us at Four Seasons challenge!
Ellibelle's Corner

Claudia's kaartjes said...

superleuke kerstkaart. Tof gedaan. Leuk dat je meedoet bij onze challenge bij Girlz Creative Christmas
Amazing card. Well done Thanks for joining us at Girlz Creative Christmas Challenge
Creatieve Groetjes Claudia

Vanaf heden geef ik workshops en verkoop ik mijn kaartjes via mijn FB groep
Mijn FB groep: Claudia's Kaartjes
You tube:Claudia's Kaartjes
Blog:Claudia's Kaartjes
Challenge blogs:
Girlz Creative Christmas 
Girlz makes Guyz Cards
Girlz creative crafts
Creative sketchy girls

Marlena M. said...

Lovely recycling of a beautiful image! Thank you for sharing with us at INk~

dj said...

A beautiful winter wonderland!! Way to go shopping your stash!! So glad you joined the fun and played along with our "Whatever the Weather" challenge over at Shopping Our Stash!!
-Deb Horst, DT #SOS511

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