Well l think today I will start to cut up my Halloween pumpkins and bake them. I then scoop out all the flesh and put it in the food processor and smash it up. Last year – I don’t remember for sure but I think I had close to 14 pints or so of mashed up pumpkin for pies, bread and whatever. I had larger pumpkins last year so I don’t expect as much this year. I like to get a variety as you get a good mix of color – some are light, some are dark and in the end it mixes good I find. Depending on how much I get I might see if I can find a few more. (I don’t like to leave my pumpkins outside for weeks on end and start to rot – I’d rather use them before they get to that point)

I am ready to start a NYB block today, I have the patterns ready and fabric picked out

When I roll down the quilt in a couple days that last row up there at the top should finally be in view – the border probably won’t be but it is finally getting there!

Quilting on Arkansas Traveler from Wednesday night – linking to From Bolt to Beauty — Wendy’s Quilts and More —

We had a bit of rain yesterday I imagine when I look out the window I will see a lot more leaf’s have fallen, this photo was taken on Tuesday. One of the trees towering over the workshop – nice and orange!

A new sale at Connecting Threads from today through the 13th of November – all Essential Thread – sets, spools, and cones 40% off. Also all tools up to 40% off – time for me to check out all the hand quilting tools that I use – stick on thimbles mainly
Fat Quarter Shop November Sales
This fabric is called Twinkle and it is by April Rosenthral 20% off all month – more colors than shown here, also patterns of the month and some notions also on sale.
Riley Blake pre-cuts on sale up to 60% off – I just grabbed a bundle with lots of yellow and red batiks – yummy!
Sales through November 13th
55% off Studio dies and bundles use code STUDIO55
$200 OFF Studio cutter and starter Sets – no code needed
I buy canned pumpkin to mix with my dog food, for her stomach issues. I never even thought of using my Halloween pumpkins. Lol I tossed one in the woods yesterday, as it was beginning to rot. Your quilting is really coming along. Pretty fabrics for your next NYB block.
Grad Girl doesn’t keep the pulp, but she dries the pumpkin seeds to eat. Hope you finish you kitchen chores with plenty of time to stitch your next NYB block.
Those are pretty fabrics for the next NYB block. You’ve certainly got more fall color than we do. It is finally turned here, but it’s kind of dull – more like a rusty brown. Very few yellows and no reds or oranges.
Those are fun looking pumpkins you have there! I have cut up and roasted the traditional pumpkin variety, but never those unusual ones. Do they have a hard outer skin? This year I grew a few Jack Be Little pumpkins and it actually says you can cook with them, but I haven’t tried it yet. That looks like a neat block for your next one – love the curved flying geese!
So you can use any pumpkin for making pies etc, you don’t have to have pumpkins they advertise as pie baking ones? Does your NYB directions give you the sizes of fabric to cut or did you just figure it out?
Mmmm, pumpkin bread! One of my favorites.
You make me want to drop all the projects I am working on to start the New York Beauty. Such quandaries’! I love your various pumpkins and never thought of using all of them for baking/cooking. This year I never did buy one. Such is life. keep up the marvelous projects you do!
You really had a variety of pumpkins this year. I don’t like the smell of the inside of pumpkins and gave up helping with the carving when the kids were little, I make pumpkin muffins for the family every fall. I like a few in the freezer to pull out later.
Wow, you are really quilting fast on this quilt, one row and the border to go. And you are certainly making steady progress on your NY blocks. Well done. Now we are back from our caravan trip I can spend some time at the sewing machine. Mind you, we have another quick pre Christmas trip to make next week, its all go here!
We still have too much hot weather in North Carolina for the pumpkins on the front steps to be any good by the time Halloween is past — they are a rotten, yucky mess! How nice it must be for you to make your pumpkin pies from your own pumpkin puree instead of cracking open a can of Libby’s like I do! I am happy to see you are coming along with that gorgeous NYB and with your Arkansas Traveler quilting.
The Arkansas Traveler quilt is lovely!