Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Napping Bees #WordlessWednesday

It's a hard life, being a worker bee.  Depending on their age and what species of bee they are, they may be building comb, cleaning the hive, caring for larvae, guarding the hive, or gathering food for the hive.

But bees don't work every minute of the day.  They take naps.

In mid October, I saw this bee on one of my late sown sunflowers.  It wasn't moving.

What a nice, restful nap area.

Nearby, another bee was napping on a zinnia.

Sweet dreams.


Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. ...our food supply would be limited if we didn't have bees!

  2. Nice pictures, just love the sunflower shot! While leaving Biltmore Estate last week, I noticed the fields had a large row of sunflowers planted. I think most of them were well past their prime and I would've loved to have seen them at their peak. Perhaps next year. :)

  3. Nice captures I tend to run a mile from bees LOL :-)

    Have a honeytastic week 👍

  4. Lots of bees in my garden this year, but mostly bumblebees and few honey bees.

  5. Bees do such wonderful work and we need them to survive. Love all the colors.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. I don't think I've ever noticed a napping bee. How cool.

    1. Oh, I almost forgot. If you're interested in trying Bluesky Social (new Twitter-esc social media), I have an invite code. Just email me if you want it.

  7. Lovely images. The sunflower is so beautiful. And the bees must be protected. They mean also our life!
    Happy WW and a fine week!❤️😘

  8. I love running across sleeping bees! Mostly I see them in the early morning, when they've been caught out too late and can't fly back to the hive.

  9. I have seen them napping but didn't realize it until I watched a quick video about that. I love it. Great photos you took here

  10. Beautiful floral bloom and the sleeping bee

  11. Lazy bees I guess. We always see them buzzing around, not sleeping.

  12. Should I scream now or later! hahaha Sorry I'm allergic to bee stings... so is my son unfortunately! I got stung once it wasn't pretty and so did he... bummer! So, I just enjoy flowers from your blog. Thank you! :) hugs

  13. You took such care with these photos. I would have run screaming!

  14. Wonderful series of bee and flower photos ~ one of nature's gems ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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