Picking Out Color

Block number 9 of NYB has begun, with that is getting the fabric picked out.  When I started this quilt I went though all my boxes and picked out most of the batiks and treated, pressed and folded storing them into plastic project boxes the only place I could think to put them for now.  I keep these stored on the shelves behind the door in the sewing room.  Lots of other things stored here right down to an old antique iron to use as a door stop or whatever else it is needed for – sometimes to flatten applique pieces until the glue is set


I find it easiest to line the boxes up on the quilting frame opened and bring the book over opened to the page the pattern is on I am using.  Linking to Confessions of a Fabric Attic— Alycia, Finished or NotFrom Bolt to Beauty


And here it is about 20-30 minutes later – I don’t really spend a lot of time deciding color –this is scrapy and I go with what I think looks ok together and if the piece is large enough to work out.  I glance back and forth at the wall to see what blocks are nearest to where it will go also so I don’t get the exact same fabric next to the previous blocks.


Quilting on Arkansas Traveler from Wednesday night – linking to Wendy’s Quilts and More

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I didn’t get any further on the NYB block as I was outside most of the afternoon working on the garden.  I was getting pine needles for mulch for the strawberries and pulling up runners filling up another bed with 3 rows of berry plants and placing pine needles around them.  (I forgot to take a photo of the garden but I did get working of the needles)  For the needles I use the lawnmower with the trailer – when I do the pine bark mulch for the pathways I find it easier to use the wheelbarrow.  I will get a photo of the garden progress later today, 4 of the 8 beds are done.  Almost 5 as the blackberry bed just needs some more mulch – most of the pathways still need to be done with bark mulch.


This area has quite a few pine trees and it is easy to rake it all up and this took care of one strawberry bed and half of the blackberry bed. (I had raked a little more after this photo).




BETTER THAN BLACK FRIDAY SALE!40% off $40+ Orders (use code: FRIDAY40) From today through the 23rd

Save 50% on a new deal every day

Until the 23rd  — $129.99 Sale on GO! Me Fabric Cutter Starter Set

There is a new English Paper Piecing die – well new to me I don’t know when they got it   GO! English Paper Piecing Jewel Petal Die w/ Mat priced for $68.83 – it cuts two sizes so you can cut your papers and the fabric at the same time I will need to think on this one – I don’t need it right now and have no idea what the next EPP project will be when I’m done with the hexies.


Fat Quarter Shop

October Sales

30% Gutermann thread

Basic fabric of the month is Thatched by Robin Pickens 20% off


Green Fairy sale on jelly rolls  Flash Sale30-60% don’t know how long this sale will last.

9 comments… add one
  • Carole @ From My Carolina Home Oct 20, 2023 @ 8:22

    Wonderful progress on the quilting. I would not have the patience to do a NYB like yours.

  • Diann@LittlePenguinQuilts Oct 20, 2023 @ 8:23

    Looks like you have a great selection of batiks to choose from, and pulled some pretty blues and purples for the next block! Glad you’re getting good weather for your garden project – it sounds like you’re making good progress on that, too. We’re into leaf pickup season at our house, so spent some time doing a load of leaves yesterday. More keep falling, though!

  • Vicki Welsh Oct 20, 2023 @ 10:50

    How nice to have access to so much free mulch! Arkansas Traveler is looking lovely.

  • Little Penpen Oct 20, 2023 @ 14:00

    You have a nice and neat fabric collection. I wrangled a couple boxes this morning in the garage to find some yellow fabric. *sigh*

  • Wanda Hanson Oct 20, 2023 @ 14:08

    I know paper piecing sometimes takes more fabric for an area than I think it will. With matching colors all across an arc it would be tricky to estimate it but it looks like you have it all figured out.

  • Sue, a Florida Farm Girl Oct 20, 2023 @ 16:05

    The New York Beauty is going to be a stunning quilt. Can’t wait to see it all finished.

  • Michelle Oct 21, 2023 @ 8:01

    I like your fabric choosing system. I tend to linger over the fabrics – not because I’m choosy, but because fabric is like little works of art in my mind. You are fortunate to have the pine needles and pine bark mulch so easily and cheaply available. I’ve just begun to mulch my beds, but the mulch has to be purchased.

  • Judy@BusyHandsAreHappyHands Oct 21, 2023 @ 8:58

    NYB is amazing! You do a great job with color on all your quilts. We have a small garden chore to finish today, and then leaf raking to look forward to in the coming weeks. Some, not many, have come down. Trying to keep up and do small batches at a time. Might be in vain! H

  • Kate Oct 22, 2023 @ 6:50

    Looks like you’ve got a great system that works for you in pulling those fabrics for scrappy blocks. Sounds like you made great use of the nice weather this weekend.

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