Thursday, October 12, 2023

hawaiii.... iii...eeee and Finished (Or not ) Friday

Once upon a time I had so much fun playing with my Hawaiian themed fabrics that I made a lot of Quilt tops.... And they were so much fun!!

Fast forward to a little bit ago and my dear buddy said... My Wife is Pregnant.... and they were the people we stayed with when we went to Hawaii...

It seemed like fate...  I had finished a top, they are having a baby ! Kizmet right?

I don't think I have ever had a baby quilt finished before the baby came. Is this a turning point in my Quilting career?

Tada!!! here it is next to my Barn Block - because everyone needs a barn block!!

I had so much fun quilting it - lots of seashells and beachy things....

The Parents of the baby this is going to were stationed in Hawaii and now are stationed in California (Dad is a Marine... I love my Marine Family!!) - I sure hope they get a kick out of it!!  And Yay for another finish!!

Someone said a few weeks ago that I have a lot of finishes to show. That is true - but I also have a lot of starts - so that I can have a lot of finishes.  And I have a lot of fabric - so I have a lot of starts, so that I can have a lot of finishes.   You followed that right? 😂🤣😎😍

I have been blessed with a LOT of fabric. so I like to get a LOT of quilts out into the world. I have been involved with Quilts of Valor for 20 years!! And I donate a lot of quilts to Hospice, and to my church, and to anyone I feel needs an extra hug - its what I do ❣❤

And with that... it is YOUR turn!! Show us what you have been up to!!!

It would make my heart happy if you would share this link so that we have a ton of folks link up and join in!!

**************Direct Link Here please****************

***************The end... go sew*************************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook


Cathy said...

What a fun, cute and very original baby quilt!

Donna said...

What an adorable baby quilt! The parents to be are going to love it! Such bright fun fabrics, what’s not to love!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

What an adorable Hawaiian quilt!!! And what and where is that panto?? Perfect!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

beautiful Hawaiian fabric you are using

Vicki in MN said...

It's so wonderful you generously share your time and talent in the making/giving quilts. I am sure you get the warm fuzzies in giving:)
That baby quilt is sure to remind them of Hawaii every time they use it.

Linda said...

What a PERFECT quilt! I love the Hawaiian prints, so pretty and unique.

Miss Alissa said...

I understand about the starts! I too have been blessed with lots of fabric. Everything I try to whittle it down I just come up with ideas to use it! Guess I will just have to keep quilting!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Kismet indeed! What a fun and perfect quilt to gift to them to help welcome their child. I'm sure it will be loved and treasured.

Snowcatcher said...

I love this use of Hawaiian fabric and adore that you fit in your beloved churn dash. It doesn't surprise me that you donate so many quilts to so many awesome causes; I hope one day to at least a quarter of the way match your giving! I haven't been able to focus on quilting for too long now, and I'm hoping I'm making necessary adjustments so I can participate in your link-up on a regular basis again. (I did try to keep up with what you were doing, even though I couldn't sew.) I've missed quilting and participating here so much!

Delighted Hands said...

What a beautiful job on the baby quilt--they are going to love it!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

What a happy baby quilt. It will keep baby entertained and warm.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Woo hoo! What a wonderful quilt! Bright and scrappy, with all those great Hawaiian prints. And done before the baby is even born? Scandalous!

The Joyful Quilter said...

That baby quilt couldn't be more perfect for its intended recipient, Alycia. Well done!!

Sandra Walker said...

The perfect baby quilt and I love that you have it ahead of the birth!

Kate said...

The baby quilt is really cute. The quilting is really fun. You have to start to finish, I get that. It's just it's so much easier to start then finish.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Great baby quilt!

chrisknits said...

That is freaking adorable!!! And a perfect gift.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lucky baby! Beautiful quilt.