Y’all are going to get tired of following along with the New York Beauty but right now I am on a roll and will keep going. I was surprised I got this one done yesterday but after getting exhausted from yard work I came in and sat –a good part of the afternoon in front of the sewing machine.
And Lizard is done – I don’t know what Lizard this block was named after but I found an unusual one to feature.

I did a search and some of Australian lizards are pretty much like US lizards, but we do not have this one!! I have never seen one like this one –The perentie (Varanus giganteus) is Australia’s largest lizard. This info from Wikipedia ”Perenties are the largest living species of lizard in Australia. Perenties can grow to lengths of 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) and weigh up to 20 kg (44 lb), possibly up to 3 m (9 ft 10 in) and 40 kg (88 lb), making it the fourth-largest extant species of lizard (exceeded in size only by the Komodo dragon, Asian water monitor and Crocodile monitor).[7][8][9] However, perenties are very lean among large monitors, making it significantly less bulky than the Rock monitor at a similar size. Wow look at the size of this lizard!

Six out of 54 blocks — linking to From Bolt to Beauty — Wendy’s Quilts and More — Finished or Not Friday with Alycia —Patchwork & Quilting —

The porch is ready for fall and believe it or not we finally had a fall day!! I wore a lightweight sweatshirt off and on while I was outside yesterday – it never got above 64 and most of the day was a cool breezy 60-62 – perfect for some work outside.

These two beds are planted with strawberries – I might need to put a 3rd row down the middle of these two beds as I think with all the runners that I have not gotten to yet I will be over run with berries! I still need to work on mulch – I decided I do not like that pine mulch in the beds, it doesn’t nestle up close and it is hard to get it thick enough, I think I will pull this out and go back to the pine needles – it is just a light layer on this bed – the pine bark mulch will be used on all the pathways – thickly to keep the weeds down. I have thick areas of downed pine needles so it isn’t real hard to rake it up and fill the wheelbarrow about 10 times LOL-really, I have so many stands of pine trees it isn’t real hard to do.

These two beds will have blueberries in them as that way the strawberries won’t make there way to the fence and get in that narrow space between the fence and the beds –it was very hard to keep my balance right getting them out of that narrow space. I am leaving two small blueberry plants in here that came back a little from what I thought died in the winter, they never even grew much until a couple months ago, I have 4 new plants coming and I think I will pick up two more at Lowes if they still have them – they did just the other day. That will give me 3 varieties, they say to have more than one kind and they produce better, we will see.

This mum has gotten down right huge this year – It is either 2 or 3 years old now –last year after the flowers fell off I surrounded it thickly with pine needle mulch and it came through the winter good – there are two smaller ones in this bed that didn’t do as well but did come back. (to the side of this plant looking past the fence you can see the narrow area I am talking about – it was full of runners)

Some have asked about Blogger and the problem some of us are having with not being able to leave comments – this is what the screen looks like if it will create problems – when you click on Enter Comment it is where it will ask you to enter your info to sign in with google, your url/name, or anonymous and it kicks you off and you can’t leave a comment. This is the one that gives you problems making it so that some of us can’t comment

If your screen looks like this – I have not had a problem- I don’t know if others are having the same screens. This one just lets you enter your comment – if you have this screen it hasn’t given me any problems. I hope that helps those of you that have asked me what the problem is and how they can solve it – I don’t know how to solve it I don’t use blogger for my blog. I’m sure at some point I did have to put in some information as it has my gmail address at the bottom.

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I am so impressed with you garden! I did not inherit that gene from my mother…wish I had.
I will never get tired of seeing the NYBs ? Lizard is lovely! And whoa! That is a crazy huge lizard. I had no idea there were such large lizards, except for the Komodo Dragon. Thanks for sharing! Your beds are looking really good. I never have much luck with mums. It seems they come back once and they’re done. That one is a beauty.
Lizard is a funny name for such a beautiful block! I don’t think I would want to come across that Australian lizard in the wild however. I love seeing your collection of NYB blocks grow – they’re looking great! Love your fall display on the porch. I think my blog is okay for comments, although I do have at least one person who comments often that sometimes comes in as anonymous, but she adds her name to the comment. It’s hard to look at your blog from your own device and see what someone else sees.
I never grow tired of following along anything you work on, and this NYB is going to be amazing. You have done a lot of work on your garden! I used to use the pine needles in our yard in south Texas. Hubs hates pine trees because of the needles, but I always loved the needles for my garden. It struggled to reach 70 here yesterday, and we are due a cold front today. I’ve given up trying to find a reason for the conflict between Wordpress and Blogger, but I blame Blogger.
What pattern/book does the star blocks come from?
I love those NYB blocks! Such pretty fabrics.
I find that when I get the grey box that I can’t log in for comments, that I need to press on the shield in the URL, then turn off Enhanced Tracking Protection (for that site). Then my login works.
Your New York Beauties – are definitely that!!! love the fabrics you are using.
your garden is amazing !!
I will not get tired of seeing the NYB blocks so keep on showing them.
I have never had luck keeping Chrysanthemums alive. My neighbor from years ago had at least a dozen of them that bloomed every year so I know we aren’t in too cold of an area for them.
Your New York Beauty blocks are stunning! This is going to be a gorgeous quilt. I love your mum and pumpkin display. It is definitely fall her in the Smokies. We’ve had some lovely weather. Enjoy your weekend.
Your New York Beauty blocks are stunning! This is going to be a gorgeous quilt. I love your mum and pumpkin display. It is definitely fall here in the Smokies. We’ve had some lovely weather. Enjoy your weekend.
I love that you show the new NYB block along with the others, so much fun color. That is one huge ‘ole lizzard!
Wow, what an amazing garden you have going on there, Karen. It must be so satisfying to have so many things growing well. And no, absolutely not, I will never tire of seeing these beautiful blocks of yours take their own unique shape. Altogether already so stunning!
I love all your different blocks! And your porch is so cute! I miss having a porch. And Hey— those lizards can kill and tear apart kangaroos, and kangaroos are no joke!! Mercy!!
Your NYB blocks are absolutely beautiful. Such an array of colors and design variations. (And I admire your garden tremendously.)
Loving your NYB blocks… keep ’em coming!
Tired of NYBs – never! Yours are so unique with their vibrant colors. Thanks for the lessons on lizards.
Those NYB blocks are beautiful and so perfect, Karen!! Your garden is coming right along. I love strawberries and blueberries. I would have to put up a fence and raise the beds to have some as we have an abundance of deer that wonder through our yard and woods. I had not heard that about having more than one variety of blueberries – thanks for that tip…if I ever get to plant some. I could put them on my porch, I suppose as I have the few tomatoes I’ve tried to plant. I have a very brown thumb, though! LOL
Um, NO, we are NOT getting tired of your New York Beauty! It’s gorgeous and I like how, unlike the NYB quilt that I plan to make someday, yours is actually progressing nicely without me having to lift a finger! 😉
Fabulous!!!!!! work on the New York Star (as all of your quilts) Love every step of the way. It will seem like forever but you are always so quick it should be done by Christmas (okay we’ll give you to Easter) It’s inspiring. I’ve never done this but others that seemed unending and then POOF! Done. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, I love this Lizard, mainly the block, but the animal is quite impressive! Thanks for the research, it’s always fun to discover a new species I’m not familiar with. Your NYB blocks look wonderful all together.
Thank you for sharing, and linking up!
I never get tired of any of your projects and the NYB blocks will not get boring!