Monday, 2 October 2023

Thrift Store Quilt, Monthly Goals, October Plum Crisp

I took this photo of Tony and Ned walking one of the 4 marvelous public walking trails within a few minutes of the house. This is the one where Beth walks Petey and Abbey. We wondered if Ned could smell them. Don't know about his legs, but his nose certainly got a workout!

Speaking of Abbey and Petey, here is a cute brief video Beth took of them. They are definitely lovable Labs.
 This strange orange glowing dessert below is my Plum Crisp in the oven light.  I'd bought a basket of small plums and they were bitter- so disappointing. Has that happened to you? They looked so good in their cute little basket. But anyway, perfect to use in a welcome October crisp.  Tasty with a little ice cream. I used The Seasoned Mom's recipe to work out proportions of flour and oats but of course, I always add extra oats and this is something I will use real butter in too.
I'm ready to set a monthly goal again and join the party at Stories From the Sewing Room. I desperately need borders and bindings on the latest two hand pieced and quilted projects. So a two for one monthly goal is what it will be.  And that will require me to get back to machine stitching, but oh well. Needs must!
A little veranda stitching...yes, afternoon temperatures are quite warm and enjoyable. The latest in the season I've ever been able to do this.
This Plus Quilt is 40in x 42in which is a bit odd as I thought it was square. 😕 I'm now adding lines in the opposite direction. 
And of course I hope to get the layering done and begin quilting the aqua quilt table runner this week. 
 I came across this small quilt below, expertly sewn a long time ago by unknown hands...a happy thrift store purchase.  The very deep greens are batik. Time to display it on one of my surfaces. It photographed well outside on the deck.
It was a deja vu moment; the pattern rang a bell because I've actually shared it before here on the blog.

And Donna also made a video called Fall Leaves Table Runner showing how she stitched it. My unknown stitcher stopped at one leaf to make a table topper.

" As I get older, I just prefer to knit." - Tracey Ullman
Unlike Tracey, the knitter, I am not monogamous. But I can certainly identify with the desire to stitch above all else as I age. HERE is an amusing article about Tracey and knitting. It includes a superstition about knitting I'd never heard before. Have you?

I love reading about your stitchy preferences, btw, and I'm always learning from you. And thanks so much for the kind words you take the time to share with me about my own stitchy endeavors.

My ring fingertip, right hand, that pushes my needle when hand stitching, is feeling a little sore this morning. I punctured it while stitching and the needle seemed to keep finding that one little hole but I didn't have the sense to stop, of course.  Will give it a rest for a day. 

Happy to share this post with Small Quilts and Doll QuiltsThe Inquiring QuilterQuilt FabricationAlycia QuiltsConfessions of a Fabric AddictKathy's Quilts and Songbird Designs.


The Cozy Quilter said...

That dessert looks yummy!!! I need to make a crisp soon. I like combining fruits like apples and blueberries, or rhubarb s as mdr raspberries

Tis the season for fall table runners!
Beautiful place for a walk with the dog.

Daisy Debs said...

Mmmm..plum crisp smells so good ...mmmm... yummy ! 💐x

Nann said...

What a lovely trail! Plums are so tricky. They're hard as a rock when you buy them and if you try to eat them before they're absolutely ready they're awful. But if you guess right, how baking them into a crisp sounds like a good solution. The thrifted maple leaf is lovely--how many of our creations will turn up at rummage sales and the like?

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love your quilts and so nice to have walking trails close by - in another couple weeks it will be nice here to start using the trails and not get too hot. I need to do something with my blackberries I have quite a few bags in the freezer. I like them but don't like the seeds - I might need to see if I can find a seedless variety to plant or get rid of these and just go with strawberries and blueberries.

Jenny said...

Like you, I work on multiple projects too. Sometimes even finding a long forgotten kne fucked away somewhere, that's always a surprise. Your plus crisp looks nice and tasty, we call that sort of topping crumble over here. Just another example of "similar but the same" sort of words across the world!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Looks a beautiful walking trail there for you all to enjoy! Your plum crisp sounds yummy, too. I'm glad there was a way for you enjoy those plums and not have to throw them away. I love the look of your plus quilt, Jocelyn - it's so beautiful with its quilted texture! Hope your stitching finger feels better soon!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That looks like a nice walking trail and those labs are just so cute. All the quilts are very pretty too. I hope you all have a fabulous week.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Yes I've done the same with plums. I haven't had really good ones (like when I was a child) for years. Great thrift find! I loved the article on Tracy Ullman. Your new header is fun too! Sending hugs!

Deb A said...

I've done that with my finger too. Mine has rested for a few days for the same reason. Your quilts are beautiful. I am in a hand piecing/quilting mood right now. I did take a break to do some crochet for my Mom last month. I also have a knitting dish cloth on the go in the car console, for when the mood strikes while waiting on kids. I really want to get back to counted cross stitch, but too many quilting projects in process to take time for that now. Maybe in January.... Have a wonderful week. (The smoke from the wildfires up there have made it to Florida!)

Jackie said...

What a lovely walking trail. I just bet the dogs enjoy traveling it.

The quilts look lovely, hope the puncture heals quickly.

God bless.

piecefulwendy said...

I had to go back and read your posts, I've missed so many (sorry)! Always a delight to read them, though, and see what you are working on. That's a sweet little quilt you found at the thrift store. Sad that someone gave it up, but I'm glad you can give it a home! Do you ever use finger pads? I use them when I stitch, because my finger gets sore too.

Marsha Cooper said...

How interesting that you found a pattern that you have shared in the past at a thrift store.

Linda said...

What a sweet video of the Beth and the puppers! Your Plus Quilt is just beautiful, I love the colors and prints. Your small quilt purchase is excellent! We used to love Tracey Ullman, haven't thought about her in years. That was an interesting article. Hope your finger loses that soreness quickly. Yes I have done the same thing. ;)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I know all about the finger puncture thing because I do it all the time, with both sewing needles AND knitting needles. You'd think I'd learn but I never seem to and then it seems the needle unerringly finds its way right to that spot.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

What an awesome quilt you found at the quilt store, Jocelyn! That plum dessert sounds wonderful. I do love me some plums!! Thanks for sharing your walk and goodies with us at Monday Musings!

CathieJ said...

I love a nice plum dessert. That crisp looks yummy. That quilt is a great thrift store find. I love your aqua quilt! Enjoy your stitching when your finger heals.

K Reeves said...

Plum crisp in the fall ranks right up there with apple. I also like MORE oats! You are moving along on the beautiful plus quilt. Iam looking forward to a bit of hand quilting in the near future. I just have to decide what the pattern will be. But first, must finish up a few machine projects.

QuiltGranma said...

Some quilters, bloggers for sure, are speedy stitchers. I'm lucky to get anything done at any time. I also dream of getting back to painting on canvases. 12 years ago we moved to a small community that had a painting club. We could do whatever we wanted, no instruction, in any medium we chose. 10 years ago we moved far from there, and a place to paint isn't to be found unless I do it outside. We live in a tin house on wheels, that is going nowhere now.