As I was looking at my batiks wondering what colors the next NYB block would be I thought I needed to search through my boxes for more of them for variety of color. I got started on the brown box and started pulling and then the purples, yellows etc. and from what I had gotten together from another fabric bundle that I had (fat eighth’s from a buy earlier in the year) I ended up with about 20 yards of batiks – I didn’t know I had that many LOL – in the washer they went for treating (and I just finished pressing the last bunch that I treated over a week ago – pressing is not a favorite thing to do) – hot water, Retayne and got busy. For now I will put all of my batiks in one area so I can find them easier.

Some of my pattern pieces for the foundation piecing arcs are on two pieces of paper – if you use tape that is another layer to rip through when removing your papers – I found that if I use my Roxanne Glue and a stencil brush – lightly spread the glue on one piece of the arc and line them up and you are ready and it is easy to sew through and has not moved out of place – takes minutes to dry

This part was ready by mid-morning

And block number 3 of 54 is done linking to From Bolt to Beauty — Alycia’s Finished or Not Friday — Wendy’s Quilts and More — Confessions of a Fabric Addict —

Quilting on Arkansas Traveler from Wednesday night

I hadn’t shared any of Melanie’s needle work in awhile and wanted to show you this piece she made and gifted me for my recent birthday – this will be a Xmas piece for decoration. That gold thread on the sides is that glittery type of thread that can be a real hassle to use as it tends to shred – she did a great job.

I have mentioned having trouble leaving comments on blogs that I have never had problems with before for leaving comments and nothing has been changed on my computer – here is what is happening if you are interested and have solved the problem:
The only blogs this is happening on for me is Blogger blogs – when you go to leave a comment it has forgotten that you have been a regular commenter and you must select one of these three things – no matter what you pick (in my experience this last couple weeks) it will not respond. If you pick google account which I would normally do it kicks it right back to this screen. If you pick Name/URL and fill in the information and enter it kicks it back to this screen. If you pick Anonymous it lets you type in your comment – I add my name and blog so the person would know where it is coming from – you got it press enter and it tells you there was an error.

I know other people have said the same thing is happening to them too – I was asked what is happened and this is the best way I can explain it – I doubt anyone can do anything and I feel it is Blogger and something needs to be fixed there but know if I normally leave a comment on your blog I am still a reader.
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Go Me (the little machine) is $94.99 through the 11th
October Sales
30% Gutermann thread
Basic fabric of the month is Thatched by Robin Pickens 20% off
Green Fairy is having a closeout sale on some items and during this period of time some pre-cuts will be 50 to 60% off
I have had the same issue off and on with some blogger blogs. Sometimes, I can leave a comment in the web version of the blog, but not the mobile version. This can be changed below the Home button at the bottom of an individual post. Other times, this does not work.
Your new quilt should make a bit of a dent in your batik collection! Beautiful blocks!
Those batik blocks are wonderful! I’ve had trouble commenting on blogger for awhile now. I have to sign in everyday to comment on yours. On many, I have to sign anonymously and tell them who I am. I just figured it was my old phone. Lol
These blocks are gorgeous! I look forward to seeing these NYBs (or the process) each morning. Wow! Melanie’s needlework is amazing! I’ve had lots of problems with leaving comments on Blogger. For me, it tells me to sign in, so I hit the sign in button, and it just reloads the page. And it doesn’t matter that I am signed in. I have a feeling that Google is just letting Blogger die. It’s sad, because there are so many good blogs on it.
Those 3 NYB blocks are really pretty.
Ton NYB sera très « peps » et ce n’est pas pour me déplaire.
Félicitations à Mélanie pour sa broderie et je confirme qu’utiliser le fil doré n’est pas facile.
Your NYB blocks are looking great, good to have lots of batik to choose from. Melanie’s needlework is amazing, really beautiful – you must have been delighted to have such a wonderful birthday present.
Sounds like you will have lots of choices for your NYB blocks after funding all those batiks! Your blocks are looking really great. And so is Melanie’s cross-stitch – just beautiful! I’ve tried that metallic floss and it is awful – not sure I will use it again. I’m having some trouble commenting in the other direction – I’m on blogger and some Word Press blogs don’t like me. Not sure how to fix any of it – none of us are tech geniuses, lol!
Wordpress changed their comment section too. The first day it wasn’t working but the second day it did.
I appreciate all your details for working with your batiks and for making your New York Beauty blocks. I will be anxious to see how mine do. I had trouble adding a link to a linky site. I tried it using a different browser ( not Google which I usually use and that seemed much better. Don’t know if it is a one time deal or not.
20 yards of batik washed and pressed. Very impressive. They look great in NYB blocks.
Yes, commenting can be a pain on some blogs. I know there is a need a for security so bots are weeded out…
Beautiful batiks! Are you pretty much following the colors on the pattern? Melanie’s needlework is, and I don’t use this word too often, exquisite! Will you frame it or display it “as is”? Enjoy your weekend!
Karen ¡¡Felicidades!! Impresionante trabajo de Melanie, un regalo para atesorar.
Be careful using Retayne on fabrics of different colors in a batch. It was specifically designed for dyers to use when dyeing single colors to help the dye molecules adhere to the fabric. I ruined a whole batch of tie dyed tshirts once using Retayne. Some of them bled and the Retayne did a spectacular job of taking that loose dye and spreading it all over all the other shirts. If you have a red bleed, it will indiscriminately attach that dye to all the fabric in the wash. After my debacle I threw it out and only use Dawn now.