Friendly Fill-Ins Week 383


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I find ________________________ annoying.
2. _______________ is a favorite charity of mine.
3. I often have to explain _________ to others.
4. There’s a lot of _________ in my life these days.
My answers:
1. I find loud music annoying. It seems that loud music is everywhere-in stores, passing cars, etc.
2.The Dakin Humane Society is a favorite charity of mine.
3. I often have to explain cat stuff to others. Knowing I have so many cats, people tend to ask me medical and behavioral questions.
4. There’s a lot of love in my life these days. I am blessed to have a lot of loved ones: my hubby, mom, niece, great nieces ( and nephew) and all my kitties.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from September of 2018, Angel Sammy was celebrating his 13th birthday with his sister. This Saturday, Joanie will be celebrating 18. I wish he was here too.

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  1. Happy Early Birthday to Joanie and Angel Sammy.

    That bandana looked good on him!

    I know what you mean about loud music…to me it spoils it and its raucous in my poor ears! Yes, you do have lots of love attending yourself, and us bloggers love you too!

    1. I find whiners and complainers annoying.
    2. Alternatives of Kalamazoo is a favorite charity of mine. (So that mothers have alternatives other than aborting unborn children.)
    3. I often have to explain how I make ‘art’ on the computer to others.
    4. There’s a lot of business in my life these days.

    1. Thank you. And I love all my readers. Thanks for these great answers. I had not heard of that charity, but it sounds wonderful. XO

  2. Sweet flashback photo of Angel Sammy. I dislike loud music too. I agree with KDKH about loud talkers too. If we are enjoying a meal in a restaurant we always seem to get people on the table behind us who want the whole restaurant to hear their conversation!

  3. You’re right about loud music – it’s everywhere (except at our house!). Angel Sammy looked quite the fashion guy in his blue scarf! We hope Joanie has a fab birthday.

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Angel Sammy was certainly dressed for the occasion. How handsome. And the thing about loud music oh my gosh, people just can’t seem to get along with out loud noise of all kinds.

  5. I don’t like loud music, especially from passing cars. I don’t know how people enjoy music when it blasting out of their speakers into my car. Those individuals are destroying their hearing, too. What a shame.

    Here are my fill-ins!

    1. I find _people with no common sense and a whole lot of stupid_ annoying. This is a response you’re surely to see a lot today.

    2. _Conservative type businesses_ is a favorite charity of mine.  Technically, that’s not a charity but we like supporting folks who put others before themselves such as the military, first responders, police, or small Christian operated companies who share my love for God and country.  We haven’t contributed money to a “charity” in years because often times our money goes places that has values that don’t align with ours.  It’s really sad when good charities are compromised by corruption in some form.    

    3. I often have to explain _why I do things a certain way_ to others.  Or, so it seems. Maybe not explanation is needed.

    4. There’s a lot of _stress_ in my life these days. But…I believe I’m on the upward swing of things at last!

    I’m sharing Friday Funnies today for anyone wanting a laugh. 😉 Have a funtastic weekend, my dear!

  6. I’m not a fan of loud music either. I had enough of it when I was a teenager. Happy Birthday, Joanie, and a heavenly Happy Birthday, to Angel Sammy.

  7. Charlee: “I find Chaplin annoying when he bothers me.”
    Chaplin: “When do I do that?”
    Charlee: “Ummm, a lot. I also find Oona annoying when SHE bothers me.”
    Oona: “Oona does not bother you! Oona just wants to play!”
    Charlee: “That counts as bothering me.”
    Oona: “Charlee is a bit crotchety in her old age, eh, Chaplin?”
    Charlee: “Chaplin is the same age as me!”
    Chaplin: “Speaking of age, happy impending big one-eight, Joanie!”
    Charlee: “Many happy returns!”

  8. Aunty Ellen were ‘angel’ Sammy an Joanie Siblinss’??? Furry kewl…..
    Yore Fill-Innss were xcellent!
    BellaSita iss still unwell so mee gonna try Fill-Innss Okay?

    1. I find Sirenss an Air Hornss furry annoying.
    2. R&R Resckue an Reesort is a favorite charity of mine. (An BellaSita Mum two!)
    3. I often have to explain mee wantss to bee an only kitty to others. (kittiess)
    4. There’s a lot of sunshine an love in my life these days.

    Hope mee did guud Aunty!
    **nose kissess** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. I am sorry your mum is not feeling well. Thank you for these great answers. Air horns are very annoying. I am glad you have a lot of love. XO

  9. Joanie is turning 18? Whoa…that’s amazing. Wishing her a terrific b-day. Nice fill-ins. I’m with you on loud music. Always cracks me up when a car drives by and you can hear the feedback through the speakers. Ugh.

  10. 1. I find fireworks annoying.
    2. American Humane Society is a favorite charity of mine.
    3. I often have to explain nothing to others. We each draw our on conclusions on things.
    4. There’s a lot of working on getting our outdoor kitty into our home in my life these days.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties and happy birthday to Joanie and Angel Sammy. XO ♥

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I am with you on #1 and 2. I am excited that you have a kitty. XO

  11. Like you, I get plenty of cat questions, it’s a hazard of liking and having so many of them and working with them so long.

    I also wish Sammy were here with his sister and you. Thank you for joining Feline Friday and featuring him.

  12. Those were really good answers and yes to #1. That’s a sweet flashback! Of course we’ll be by to help sweet Joanie celebrate.


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