Feline Friday


Do not be deceived.  This in NOT a cat.

This is a vantz.

Oh, that’s right, you all probably don’t speak Yiddish.

The literal translation is “bedbug” but it’s commonly used to describe a mischief-maker.

And here is the victim of the vantz.

If there’s drama between the cats, you can be sure Shadow started it … as soon as Duchess is settled on the couch or the recliner, Shadow is sure to sneak up on her and poke at her. She’s not satisfied until Duchess is growling at her.

Little troublemaker.

But I love her …


  1. Oh, yeah, you can just tell that tuxedo is up to no good....

    1. Definitely. Such an innocent face … but don’t be fooled.

  2. Shadow is bound and determined to get Duchess' attention.

    1. Exactly. Negative attention is better than being ignored.

  3. This sounds just like Obi Buddy. He does that with all the cats in his house, especially Abigail. (They all belong to a client friend.)

    Your little vantz is quite cute.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!


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