Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This flashback comes from February 2010 and is called:

Tuesday Tails.

No, we are NOT pooping. We are peering through the hedge at lots of pigeons and crows.

This IS pooping!

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Flynn I used Flow at 35%, then Metallic also at 35%.

For Eric I used Red Blush at 50%, then Scribble at 20%.

My AI art is Cat on a Beach.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 30.09.23
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 30.09.23
preview108pieceCat on a beach
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.


  1. HA! That one totally made me laugh out loud, bravo!!!

  2. Peeking through the hedges at the birds sounds as entertaining for you as going to the movies is for us.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  3. You two!
    Such curiosity.
    Love the art, and off to puzzle...thanks.

  4. And there by hangs a tail..oooops!
    Sorry tale..!:O).

  5. Well we were certainly glad that that was explained. Lol. Of course kitty cats use their tails to tell us many things. And when you got to go potty you got to go potty.

  6. LOL! Well, I hadn't thought you were pooping...until you were! :-D

  7. LOL loved this one espevially the end result LOL

    Have a giggletastic weekend 👍

  8. MOL MOL MOL when peeping or pooping...either on you don't want to get caught.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Like what Mind's Eye said. Indeedilly doodilly!

  10. Humorous post! Thanks for explaining and showing the differences between peering and pooping, boys. Nice catwork from Mom. Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  11. doodz…..we iz crackin UP….and frank lee we wood bee mor N happee two see ewe both poopin
    in sted oh seein burd….trooth💩💩💩💩💩💩🐟🍀💙

  12. Your flashback post made petcretary snicker!

    That is a great AI picture, this week.

  13. That was a funny flashback. Nice art. Thank you for all the puzzles. XO

  14. Ha! Only true cat-people would take pictures of their cats crapping. I've done it myself. No privacy!

  15. Don't know how I missed this Friday. Are tails like fingerprints everyone different we wonder?

  16. MOL! That made us laugh, Angels Eric and Flynn!

  17. What fine tails! But We don't think your Mum should have snapped you pooping. A kitty is entitled to a little privacy!

  18. Call me weird but I love seeing how cats poop outdoors. So free and natural. Nice art work too!

  19. Cutie pie pictures for sure! I bet you have lots of fun and loving moments with them...


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