27 September 2023

Boris Surgery Update

Boris had the surgery to repair the hairline fracture in his elbow two weeks ago and his recovery is going really well, it's also been a busy couple of weeks with my parents, I can only apologise for how tardy I've been about posting this update

But first a massive thank you to the lovely Ann and June from Zoolatry for making Boris this lovely Power of the Paw badge to wish him well and a speedy recovery in the Blogosphere of our online pets

Head shot of Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel with white background and the words "Paws together for Boris" in bold black lettering, with a red heart on the O of Boris
Photo Description - Head shot of Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel with white background and the words "Paws together for Boris" in bold black lettering, with a red heart on the O of Boris 

Boris had to miss his breakfast the morning I took him to Lumbry Park, which he wasn't overly impressed about but a necessary evil when having surgery I'm afraid 

Boris was so pleased to see everyone on our arrival and insisted on greeting everyone in the waiting room and checking out of they had any treats for him, leaving Boris behind that day was such a wrench, especially as I wouldn't see him for a few days 

Full body shot of Boris sitting in the waiting room at Lumbry Park as we wait our turn to see Ivan our surgeon before Boris was taken out the back and I went home
Photo Description - Full body shot of Boris sitting in the waiting room at Lumbry Park as we wait our turn to see Ivan our surgeon before Boris was taken out the back and I went home

Boris being my retired assistance dog means that Boris and I have never spent more than an hour or two apart in the past seven years, let alone a couple of nights, it was very unsettling

Although to be honest I think it upset me more than it did  Boris as I watched him happily trot off with a member of staff and not even give me a backward glance to say goodbye 

The empty boot of my car with just Boris's collar and lead on his blue blanket
Photo Description - The empty boot of my car with just Boris's collar and lead on his blue blanket

The house was strangely quiet without Boris, even Eko seemed unusually subdued without Boris to torment

The next morning the vet rang me before he started on Boris's surgery to let me know how he was getting on, which was a really nice personal touch as I'd been debating ringing the vets to see if Boris had had a comfortable night as mine had been very restless without him

All went well with no complications so I was able to collect Boris the day after his surgery, boy was he overjoyed to see me as he crashed around in the consulting room wearing a plastic cone to stop him from licking his stitches 

A black and white photo of the x-ray taken of Boris's elbow showing the screw use to stabilise the fracture in his elbow
Photo Description - A black and white photo of the x-ray taken of Boris's elbow showing the screw use to stabilise the fracture in his elbow

First thing I did when we got home was to switch Boris from wearing the plastic cone to wearing a much softer fat collar, Boris is very nervous of the plastic cone and finds it really hard to do anything whilst wearing one, especially drinking

I've found he's much more content wearing the fat collar as it doesn't jar him or make a horrible noise when he hits something with it

Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel is sitting on a couple of red cushions on our sofa, he's comically wearing a massively fat blue collar to prevent him from being able to lick his surgery site. In his mouth he's holding one of his favourite plushy toys (a grey rabbit) by it's ear as it hangs down in front of him, his bald front leg is stuck out slightly to one side and the dressing on the surgical site can just about be seen in his armpit
Photo Description - Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel is sitting on a couple of red cushions on our sofa, he's comically wearing a massively fat blue collar to prevent him from being able to lick his surgery site. In his mouth he's holding one of his favourite plushy toys (a grey rabbit) by it's ear as it hangs down in front of him, his bald front leg is stuck out slightly to one side and the dressing on the surgical site can just about be seen in his armpit

After a couple of days being home Boris was full of mischief and his naughtiness streak was back in full force, it had been so long since we'd last seen his cheeky side

One time after going upstairs I came down to discover that Boris had decided it was a good idea to break the long standing house rule about only ever being invited onto the sofa ,at least he waited for me to help him off to prevent him jumping off causing impact to his newly repaired elbow

After a couple of days I took the dressing off and was pleased to see the wound was nice and dry and healing well

A close up of the small incision site and stitches on the inside of Boris's left elbow that's looking to be healing well
Photo Description - A close up of the small incision site and stitches on the inside of Boris's left elbow that's looking to be healing well 

We have to be really careful about infection risk, more so than usual due Boris's Staph Pseudintermedius skin condition that could flare up at any moment, any clipping or injury to his skin always aggravates his skin condition but it was a necessary evil to have the surgery to stabilise the fracture in his elbow

Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel sitting in a field wearing his yellow Recovering from surgery bandana, his left front leg looks somewhat odd as the fur hasn't started growing back yet after his elbow surgery
Photo Description - Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel sitting in a field wearing his yellow Recovering from surgery bandana, his left front leg looks somewhat odd as the fur hasn't started growing back yet after his elbow surgery 

It's really crucial that we don't let Boris have any sudden impact on his elbow until it's fully healed, his elbow is so riddled with arthritis that any damage or infection to it could have catastrophic repercussions

Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel and Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel out on the common, Boris is sitting in his stroller wearing his yellow Recovering from Surgery bandana and Eko is sitting beside the stroller, both look full of mischief as feeling so glad to be back out on the common
Photo Description - Eko the Golden Cocker Spaniel and Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel out on the common, Boris is sitting in his stroller wearing his yellow Recovering from Surgery bandana and Eko is sitting beside the stroller, both look full of mischief as feeling so glad to be back out on the common

Six more weeks of doing nothing more than gentle walking, may not seem like such a stretch, especially after the previous few weeks of restricted exercise that we've had whilst waiting for Boris's surgery, but it's not as easy as you'd think 

Boris was pretty much self regulating about what he couldn't and couldn't do before his surgery because even on the high dosage of painkillers he still couldn't fully weight bear, now that his elbow has been stabilised he thinks he's cured and he's well enough to do whatever he wants too again

Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel out on the common, Boris is laying in his stroller wearing his yellow Recovering from Surgery bandana and looking at me as if I should hurry up and get pushing rather than taking photos
Photo Description - Boris the Black Cocker Spaniel out on the common, Boris is laying in his stroller wearing his Recovering from Surgery bandana and looking at me as if I should hurry up and get pushing rather than taking photos 

We're not out of the woods yet by a long shot, but we're now well on the road to a full recovery and Boris is feeling much better than he has for a while

Yesterday Boris had his  stitches removed and our vet was really happy with how everything is healing so far and said it was a joy to see Boris so happy again

If you're thinking of getting a dog stroller check out Pets Own Us 
Use our discount code Two Crazy Cockers for 10% off any of the Innopet Dog strollers

Dawn xxx

 If you love online Jigsaw Puzzles check out our latest puzzle(s) of this weeks photo(s) 

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  1. I'm glad Boris is coming along well. They are our babies and it's our job to take good care of them. He's most handsome.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

    1. Thank you Sandee, he means so much to me as all our fur babies do, we only want the best for them xxx

  2. Oh so glad Boris is doing well ~ lots of healing energy hugs to Boris and all ~ Xos

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. I am glad Boris' surgery went well and hope his recovery goes smoothly.

  4. I am so happy to hear that the surgery was successful and that his recovery is going well. Keep doing good Boris!!!

    1. Thank you Brian it's a great weight that's be lifted for sure xxx

  5. Boris I send you a ton of get well wishes after you elbow surgery. OMDs your blue cone of shame is about the best looking I've seen BLUE is your color.
    Good luck with you PT
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you Cecilia, his physio is going great , still only short walks but we're getting there xxx

  6. What a handsome boy you are, Boris! We send you lots of AireZen and healing vibes and I really love your stroller ride!

  7. We are so glad to read that things are going well for Boris ! We send more purrayers, Power of the Paw, and throw in someMoose Magic (an Elkhound thing).

    1. Thank you so much, every little helps xxx

  8. Glad Boris is doing well. I will be praying for him.

  9. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


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