Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Groovy in the Give-Away Box (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     



Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by River at Drifting Through Life.    

This week's prompts are:

1. frozen 

2. dollop 

3. crazy 

4. Bazaar 

5. bizarre 

6. belt 


1. boomerang 

2. gallon 

3. running 

4. newspaper 

5. calendar 

6. cakes

Also please try to include Charlotte'scolour of the month which is Antique pink  for September.

Use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

"I thought they had a new name for the Halloween game night and craft fair this year," her daughter said, not quite a question in her voice.

"It turns out "The BIZARRE BAZAAR®" is a twice yearly show in Richmond, Virginia and the name is registered to them, so our town can't use it," she answered.  "They're trying to come up with something else."

"They better think fast, the CALENDAR is turning and the deadline for putting it under a new name in the NEWSPAPER is soon," daughter noted.

At this point, son came RUNNING in and said, "I don't care what they call it, as long as they still have all the CRAZY fair food and fun stuff to do."

"And the costume contest," added daughter.

"Yeah, that, too," he conceded, then turned to their mother.  "Mom, do you still have FROZEN cupCAKES we can use?  They guys all want a snack, and I noticed there's just enough whipped cream in the fridge to put a DOLLOP on top of each in place of frosting, you know, just something to hold us out until dinner is ready."

"You don't care that the cakes are that Antique Pink color?" daughter teased.

"Our stomachs don't care," he answered, "as long as they taste good.  How about it,  mom, are they out there?"

"Yes, they're in the GALLON plastic zip bags, but only one for each of you, and that doesn't mean one bag for each of you, either, one cupcake, as said dinner is almost done."

"Yes, ma'am," he said with a grin, rummaging for the whipped cream.  When he found it he said, "Ah!" and took his prize, and a spoon, and headed to the laundry room where the big freezer was.

"That boy's going to need to buy a bigger BELT if he keeps eating this much," daughter said, "and his friends, too."

"Don't worry about them," mom wisely nodded.  "Young teen boys eat like every meal is their last and never seem to hold on to any of it, which is why I ask myself why I let him have his friends spend the night so often.  They all love it out here, though, and your dad can keep an eye on them, keep them busy and out of trouble, working on the cars."

Then she added, "Speaking of dinner, I'd better hop to it and make sure it's ready before they BOOMERANG back in here for another snack!"


Today is:

Ancestor Appreciation Day -- sponsored by the Ancestor Appreciation Day Association of Ann Arbor, MI, US

Crush a Can Day -- internet generated, so have fun seeing how many (safe) ways you can crush a can, and how flat you can get it!

Feast of Mashíyyat (Will) -- Baha'i

Fun and Fancy Free Day -- go out and have a great day, in honor of the release on this day in 1947 of the Disney film Fun and Fancy Free

French Community Holiday -- French Community of Belgium

Independence Day -- Turkmenistan (1991)

Mawlid an Nabi -- Islam/Muslim (Prophet's Birthday, began sunset yesterday; celebrated over the next several days, depending on which country)

Meskel -- Ethiopian/Eritrian Orthodox Christian (True Cross Day)

National Corned Beef Hash Day

National Milk Chocolate Day

National Women's Health and Fitness Day -- US, sponsored by Fitness Day    

Shut Up and Let Somebody Else Talk Day -- begun by someone with an overly verbose spouse, perhaps?

St. Vincent De Paul's Day (Patron of charitable societies/charitable workers, charities, horses, hospital workers, hospitals, lepers, prisoners, spiritual help, volunteers; Brothers of Charity; Saint Vincent de Paul Societies; Sisters of Charity; Vincentian Service Corps; Madagascar; Richmond, Virginia; for finding lost objects; against leprosy)

World Tourism Day -- World Tourism Organization   

Anniversary Today:

Google is founded, 1998

Birthdays Today:

Avril Lavigne, 1984

Gwyneth Paltrow, 1972

Bello Nock, 1968

Sophia Milos, 1965

Shaun Cassidy, 1958

Mike Schmidt, 1949

Marvin "Meat Loaf" Aday, 1947

Delores Taylor, 1939

Claude Jarman, Jr., 1934

Greg Morris, 1934

Wilford Brimley, 1934

Sada Thompson, 1929

Arthur Penn, 1922

William Conrad, 1920

Jayne Meadows, 1919

Thomas Nast, 1840

Raphael Semmes, 1809

George Muller, 1805

George Cruikshank, 1792

Samuel Adams, 1722

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Tonight Show"(TV), 1954

Strike Up The Band(Film), 1940

"Rip Van Winkle"(Bristow opera), 1855

Today in History:

Severe earthquake in the Gulf of Chili, China; reports of 100,000 killed, 1290

Jesuits founded by Ignatius Loyola, 1540

John Adams negotiates peace terms with Britain, 1779

Constitution submitted to the states for ratification, 1787

Jean-Francois Champollion announces that he has deciphered the Rosetta Stone, 1822

The Stockton and Darlington Railway opens, and begins operation of the world's first service of locomotive-hauled passenger trains, 1825

The physics journal Annalen der Physik published Albert Einstein's paper "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?", introducing the equation E=mc²,1905

The first production of a Ford Model T automobile rolls off the line at the Piquette Plant in Detroit, Michigan, 1908

First test of a twin-engine airplane, in France, 1910

Native American Day is first celebrated, 1916

Democratic National Committee votes to allow female members, 1919

The first Santa Clause Training School opens in Albion, NY, 1937

The Balinese tiger is declared to be an extinct species, 1937

Sierra Leone joins the United Nations, 1961

Richard Stallman announces the GNU project to develop a free Unix-like operating system, 1983

East Timor joins the United Nations, 2002

CNSA astronaut Zhai Zhigang becomes the first Chinese person to perform a spacewalk while flying on Shenzhou 7, 2008

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity discovers direct evidence of a fast-moving stream bed, showing a prior water source on the Red Planet, 2012

Thai Ex-Prime Minister Yingluck is found guilty of criminal negligence in a rice subsidy scheme and sentenced to 5 years in absentia, 2017

India's Supreme Court overturns the 158-year-old law against adultery as it is discriminatory against women, 2018

Houston officials confirm the water supply around Lake Jackson, Texas, is contaminated with brain-eating amoeba, 2020

NASA/USGS Landsat-9 earth-observing satellite launched from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, 2021


  1. Hello Girlfriend, and how are you doing? You always have so much cool information on your Post. I love looking at the dates/years on what happened years ago! I always look for the ones that's near my birth year. hahaha Have a great great day today my friend, and don't forget me! Until next time... HUGS & KEEP A SMILE ON that beautiful face... you'll feel much better! HUGS

  2. I love your take on the prompts. How I wish I had ever had the metabolism of a teenage boy.

  3. That is very bright heheh! :-)

    Have a tanfastictastic week 👍

  4. We need more fences on this Blog.

    God bless.

  5. Those groovy clothes remind me of my own groovy clothes, once-upon-a-time.

  6. Great prompts, have a great week x

  7. I love the clothes. Wild colors and designs. That was so me in 1969.

    You're a most wonderful wordsmith. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Hugs. ♥

  8. Those clothes take me back, I actually used to sell them! Grear story as ever.

  9. That is very true about boys always eating! My mother told my brother he must have hollow legs.

  10. That was a cute story. Someone can use that shirt for a Halloween costume. XO

  11. The colorful top is very pretty. That was a really good story!

  12. Those clothes are super groovy, for sure! So was your story!

  13. Nice and cozy story well done, I liked it very much.


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