Suite du challenge 30 jours d'impro, et de mes blocs pour le dos du quilt Patio.
Continuation of the 30-Days of Improv Challenge, and my blocks for the backing of the Patio quilt.
Shannon et Amanda nous proposent de coudre des triangles pour cette 3e semaine du challenge "30 jours d'impro". Tous les triangles y passent : Ă©quilatĂ©ral, isocĂšle, scalĂšne, rectangle, aigu, etc. Le challenge commence par un peu de rĂ©flexion pour envisager toutes les formes de triangles possibles đ«
Je triche un peu dans la composition de triangles, avec ce tissu pyramides qui va bien đ
A small piece of yellow to start with. Pale yellow is not in the fabric selection for Patio, the quilt for François, and I've used it in several other challenge blocks previously. It's the only new fabric introduced, so there are at least two shades of yellow, as for the blue and brown.
I'm cheating a little in the composition of triangles, with this pyramids fabric that goes well đ
For the 2nd block, the prompt is to play with a smaller scale and concentrate on the triangles. Good. I'm sorting out my little scraps so I can make the most of them.
Avec ce qui ressemble plus ou moins à des carrés, je fais des "carrés" bicolores, et les assemble les uns aux autres. Des triangles tout autour, et encore un autre triangle.
With what look more or less like squares, I make HST, and join them together. Triangles all around, and one more triangle.
Je continue à construire plein de triangles avec le plus de formes différentes. Et quelques lignes fines pour habiller le tout.
I continue to build lots of triangles with as many different shapes as possible. And a few thin strips to dress it all up.
Et voilĂ le 2e bloc Triangles. Je l'aime beaucoup, mais j'aurais pu faire diffĂ©remment les 3 derniers triangles gris en bas, c'est un peu le bazar au niveau des pointes đ
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Test de construction... / Construction test... |
And here's the 2nd Triangles block. I love it, but I could have done differently the last 3 gray triangles at the bottom, it's a bit of a mess at the points đ
The next block is the one with the prompt asking for cutting it out to create new shapes. Starting with a large triangle, I try not to trim the points of those around it. I'm rather proud of my success! đ
Ensuite 4 coups de cutter rotatif pour garder les triangles des pointes, et un autre triangle au centre. Un peu de jaune pour réveiller tout ça et reconstituer le triangle (tiens, ça fait un A). Je n'ai pas pensé à tout mélanger pour les assembler autrement...
Then 4 slices with a rotary cutter to keep the triangles on the tips, and another triangle in the center. A little yellow to wake it all up and reconstitute the triangle. I didn't think to mix everything together to assemble them differently...
A second cut to make more triangles. I like the tiny blue at the top! đ
Je m'arrĂȘte lĂ avec ce bloc, il ne me plaĂźt pas plus que ça, mais bon...
I'll stop here with this block, I'm not really excited about it, but it's ok...
Et ce n'est pas mon prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© non plus đ
One last block to test the creation of scalene and obtuse triangles. No luck with the 2nd brown triangle, whose tip has been eaten.
And not my favorite block either đ
Je dois admettre que j'ai eu un peu de mal Ă me lĂącher pour faire des triangles improvisĂ©s, et que le rĂ©sultat est mitigĂ©. Peut-ĂȘtre parce que j'ai l'habitude de faire les triangles en couture sur papier, ce qui Ă©vite de se poser trop de questions sur le sens du tissu, sur la longueur des piĂšces Ă couper, etc. Ces 4 blocs-lĂ m'ont demandĂ© du temps, pas mal de rĂ©flexion et d'incertitude, de dĂ©faire aussi plusieurs coutures pour rĂ©ajuster, bref ça a Ă©tĂ© un peu galĂšre !Une chose est sĂ»re, j'aime mieux travailler avec de petites piĂšces que des grandes.
I have to admit that I had a bit of trouble letting go in making improvised triangles, and the results are somewhat disappointing. Maybe it's because I'm used to sewing triangles on paper, which means I don't have to worry too much about the direction of the fabric, the length of the pieces to be cut, etc. These 4 blocks took me a long time, a lot of thought and a lot of uncertainty, and I had to undo several seams to readjust them... in short, it was a bit of a struggle!
One thing's for sure, I prefer working with small pieces rather than large ones.
đ Rejoignez-moi du samedi au mercredi pour la Patchwork & Quilts link partie
Join me from Saturday to Wednesday for the Patchwork & Quilts link party đ